Privateer Press Announces Warcaster Sci-Fi Tabletop Game!

By Wesley Floyd | February 20th, 2020 | Categories: Kickstarter, Privateer Press, Warhammer 40k Rumors

warcaster privateer pressPrivateer Press just announced they are throwing their hat into the sci-fi tabletop gaming scene with their new Warcaster Kickstarter.

We all know tabletop wargames are one of the most popular hobby outlets in the community. With Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar being the obvious heavy-hitters in the list, there’s a lot to be said about other wargames!

On that note, Privateer Press is launching a Kickstarter to help fuel a new kind of wargame called Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika. Here are all the details for the game.

Privateer Press Announces Warcaster Sci-Fi Tabletop Game!

warcaster 3In Warcaster, this is you. 

To lay the foundation of the game, Warcaster is most definitely a wargame and uses 35mm scale models. However, what adds something unique about the game is that you, the player, are technically a Warcaster sitting in what’s called a “rack”. This is basically a control center that’s allowing you to see the battlefield and control your units. You even have some cards that add the aspect of swaying the battle in your favor from your control node.

Find out More About Warcaster

While the Warcaster is not physically present on the battlefield, their presence is always felt. A Warcaster coordinates and supports their forces from a sophisticated command and control center called a rack, located aboard a massive battle carrier that transports the Warcaster’s troops and warjacks. In the game, the rack is represented by a deck of cards—the spell-like cyphers—that players customize prior to the game based on the powers and abilities they wish to wield as a Warcaster.

A Step Into Game Specs

warcaster 1Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika is a high-speed hobby miniatures game for two players who each take on the role of a powerful Warcaster in command of a formidable battle force. Players assemble and customize a force of 20–30 models and fight a scenario-driven battle using dice and cards to control their mighty units and to cast epic cyphers. The game is played using an alternating-activation turn sequence with a round tracker that governs scoring opportunities and the duration of ongoing effects. Players take turns activating units one at a time and using their rack of cyphers, reality-warping spells that can be used to enhance their troops and warjacks or to devastate their opponent’s forces.

The big things to note for the game is the size as well as how turns are played out. At only being 20-30 models, the games will look relatively small compared to 40k. However, that should make for a more tactical setting as each loss counts as more. On top of that, the game is run with alternate activations. Anyone who has played a bunch of GW’s skirmish games (i.e Necromunda, Warcry, etc.) know that rapidly swapping back and forth with your opponent keeps the game constantly interactive.

warcaster 2The maps are 48″X”48 and games take anywhere from an hour and up. The game space isn’t the biggest we’ve seen, but at 20-30 models, that should be about perfect!

Another note to make: When your units die, they warp back into your reserves and can come in later in the game. That way, there’s no crazy attrition rate of your forces and your opponent can’t necessarily alpha-strike you out of winning. Be sure to check out all the specs of the game if you’re interested!

Factions In-Game & Their Models



Of the models previewed, it looks like we’re getting two factions to start with. Each of these has a big Dreadnought-type model as well as some appointed leader holding a staff. (He’s probably your HQ-equivalent). And as for the other guys, they’ve all got similar wargear to one another and are probably the basic footsoldiers of the faction. On that note, it looks like they’ve got a special weapon with the top group getting a shield and sword while the tan boys on the bottom have some kind of rail/sniper rifle.

Why Are They Fighting?

warcaster 6

After seeing all of this you might be wondering why they’re fighting. The answer is Arcanessence. It’s a rapidly-depleting resource that can power travel and entire communities. Obviously, everybody needs it and it’s becoming harder to find.

Arcanessence is the essential energy that permeates the galaxy of Cyriss, the lifeblood of her planets, and the spirit upon which the galaxy thrives. But Arc is a limited resource, coveted for its ability to energize mechanika and power the ancient void gates that connect a thousand worlds. It is greedily harvested every day, and as a result, the galaxy is slowing dying.


Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika launches within the next few weeks on Kickstarter and is expected to deliver its first wave of rewards in June of 2020. In addition to stretch goals and rewards for individual backers, the Warcaster Kickstarter will also include a pledge tier for retailers who would like to carry the game in their stores. Visit for a preview of the game, the universe, and the upcoming Kickstarter launch.

There you go! At the time of writing this, the official Kickstarter hasn’t been started just yet. However, Privateer Press was generous and gave us a deep look into the model range as well as nearly all the game specs.

Find out More About Warcaster

With Warcaster announced, what other factions would you like to see added to the game? Do you have a playgroup that you know will love a sci-fi setting like this?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!