Get Double 3D STL Files In March: Titan-Forge Subscription

By Tim Roberts | March 10th, 2020 | Categories: 3D Printing, Tabletop Gaming Products

titan forge patreonDon’t miss these 3d printer STL files in March with the Titan-Forge Miniatures Patreon subscription. This month its CyberPunk and Dragon Born!

The creative team at Titan-Forge Miniatures wants to help you print your own amazing miniatures from the comfort of your home. Come and take a look at their latest offering!

Titan-Forge Patreon Subscription:

Every 30 days you get a new Mega-Value set of 3d printer STL files!

titan forge Release Double March

Become a Patron! Become a Tabletop Legend!
By joining our Patreon you are guaranteed to receive a fresh package of printable STL models each month. For every purpose, you can imagine! We are experienced and recognized miniature sculptors that work out of passion. 
Become a Patron today to instantly receive: 
  1. The Welcome Package 
  2. The Monthly Release  
titan-forge dragon empire
titan-forge cyberpunk age

Welcome Package:

titan forge Welcome Pack

By becoming a Patron you immediately receive access to the evergrowing Welcome Package! Currently, this set includes :
  • Lord of Fury, Big Deamon model
  • Classic Barbarian Hero model
  • Daruma “Earth Monk” model
  • Iro and Kez, Dwarf Slayers models
  • Set of Mystic bases (43 pieces)


This is a great way to collect some amazing quality miniatures that you can create from home. Make sure you visit Titan-Forge and become a Patreon today!

Get Your 3-D Files Now!