These Are The Best Painted Imperial Knights (we’ve ever seen)

DB KnightsDon’t miss what may some of the best painted 40k Imperial Knights ever brought to life, by the team at Dark Bunny Creatives.

Dark Bunny Creatives is constantly putting out stunning commissioned armies. This time is no exception, other than the scale of these knights!

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db knightsThis project is both extremely unique and massive at the same time, these types of commissions come around once in a blue moon. The client had asked Dark Bunny Creatives for a custom Imperial Knight house to go with the navigator houses.

With this in mind lets take a look at the depth and fruits of their labor!

green knightFirst up, we’ve got the uniquely green knight in the front and center. Amazing freehand work is all over this knight, the shoulders, the trim, the crest, well really… everything. This knight alone may cost as much as an entire army!

green knight topAs if it weren’t enough this knight also has extensive conversion work done on the top! An entire altar is positioned on top with a sister statue and the top missile launcher.

blue knightNext up is one of the blue knights. Not as much free hand as the centerpiece green knight, but still an insane amount none-the-less. You may notice the constellation on the shoulder. Each of the blue knights are matched thematically to a constellation.

blue knightThere is also a pair of Armingers in the project. Each once again matching to a constellation. Both of them are also magnetized for easy use.

db knight leaderYou may notice this sweet model from Black Stone Fortress. Turns out it looks amazing as the leader of this custom house on top of a defeated chaos knight head.

lance knight dbContinuing the theme of constellations we have some on the Lancer as well. There may be a little less room to paint panels on this guy, but that doesn’t mean they skipped any of it. In fact, personally, this one is my favorite!

CasteleanLast up is the mac daddy Castellan. Along with the freehand work everywhere. There is also a sweet looking double conversion on top with a Custode-Centaur, that just might be one of the most unique ideas I have ever seen.

It’s always fun to see just how insanely talented and dedicated some people can be. That being said be sure to check out Dark Bunny Studios for other projects and watch the video below for a deeper look into each model and the iconography behind them all!

Get your models painted by Dark Bunny Creatives