Top 3 Orks 40k Army Lists Right Now: Meta Watch

ork walWe’ll be going over the top three Orks 40k army lists from the LVO. Since tournaments have all been postponed, this is a good picture of the Ork Meta.

2020’s LVO brought nearly one thousand people under the same roof to roll dice in 40k. That’s an INSANE number. Now with so many people spanning across all kinds of different lists and factions, we know that the results are a great image at where the meta stands.

With that said, we’ll be going over the top three Ork lists from LVO. Just remember that with almost a thousand people in the event competing against one another, even if these aren’t the top 3 lists overall, coming in the top 100 is still an awesome job.

Now with new Ork rules coming out from Saga of the Beast, these lists may morph to form a new Meta once social distancing is over.

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

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29th Place: Trevor Harris- Orks

grot gretchin ork wal hor

lvo ork trevor harris 1For placing so high with such a unique list, you’d think people would try and copy some of the stuff from this list more often. Trevor brought in a ton of Gretchin with the best big gunz around. Smasha Gunz filled the backfield while the Gretchin from the Battalion screened and held objectives.

lvo ork trevor harris 2Of course, he also took some Big Meks in a Dread Waaagh! Vigilus detachment to unlock the turbo shokk attack gun. It’s remained a staple in Ork armies since it first dropped. Now, this is where the list got a little unique. He also took three Shokkjump Dragstas to zip around the list and bully light units off of objectives. These things are lightning-fast and aren’t too bad at dealing damage up close.

Finally, Some Big Meks were seeded into the blobs of Gretchin some Bad Moons Shoota Boyz brought a little low-strength dakka to the list to help clear things like Hormagaunt swarms and Necron Scarabs. Great job.

16th Place: Anthony Birdsong- Orks

ork hor wal


lvo ork anthony birdsong 1For this list, Anthony went for the more traditional Ork approach and spammed hordes of Boyz in massive blobs. Bringing a Weirdboy in the first Battalion, he could Da Jump one unit up the board turn one and apply pressure immediately. Then by turn two, the rest of the Waaagh! Could have caught up. Note that he found a happy medium with Slugga Choppas and Shootas in each Boy squad. That way, even if he failed the charge, he at least pumped out a nice bit of dice from shooting.

lvo ork anthony birdsong 2Next, we’ve got another Battalion with three Big Meks and their Shokk Attack Guns hiding in blobs of almost sixty Gretchin. The Mad Dok also came along and healed up any characters that might’ve caught a stray sniper bullet too.

For this list, it’s definitely “spam bodies until I win” which Orks really know how to do. If you notice, there’s not really any heavy amount of shooting that’s geared toward dealing with armor. Instead, he gave every Boy squad some Tankbusta bombs and had them connect with the armor if needed. Way to go spreading out the lethality across your entire list.

6th Place: Jeff Poole- Orks

ork wal hor flash gitz


lvo ork jef poole 1For the highest Ork list found on the LVO leaderboards, Jeff brought in something fairly close to the list above. An Evil Sunz Battalion was brought with blobs of slugga/choppa Boyz running down the board. a Big Mek in Mega armor was also brought which is something we hardly ever see.

Being that Evil Sunz are the fastest Orks around, he was able to get his Boyz into combat range quicker than most.

lvo ork jef poole 2For the next Battalion, some Weirdboyz were taken with Da Jump probably being the first power cast each time (just to get Boyz in range to do work).Also note that almost all these Boy squads also had Tankbusta bombs in their units like the list from above as well. However, where this list really got its anti-armor firepower came from a blob of Tankbustas and their Bomb Squigs. Bringing only one unit in the entire list made them a huge target. However, there were Gretchin always closeby to absorb the hate.

lvo ork jef poole 3Finally, the Dread Waaagh! Vigilus formation was brought with Jeff also taking three Big more Big Meks with Shokk Attack guns. To help heal those characters, the Mad Dok also made another appearance. Great list!

With all of these Ork lists covered, two out of the three work VERY similar to one another. But with Saga of the Beast right around the corner (and Gretching getting a MASSIVE buff) it’ll be interested how Ork lists look once tournaments kick off again.

How does your Ork list look right now? Will you be playing the new Ghazghkull in your list or just paying the CP to make a Warboss even better? Do you think we will see a surge in Gretchin spam lists? 

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