Craaaab People! New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

gw rumor engineCraaab people Craaaab people. Look like crabs. Talk like people! Check out the latest rumor engine to drop from Games Workshop.

Warhammer Community dropped a new rumor engine and it looks like there’s not much of a debate on what kind of bit we’re looking at. However, what this is attached to is a much more pressing question. Check out the latest previewed bit!

Craaab People! New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 4-21-2020See what we mean? There’s no doubt we’re looking at a claw. But if we know GW, this probably won’t be just a simple crab model we’re getting. If this is something for Age of Sigmar, the chances of this thing being part of a giant mythical crab beast are pretty high. Idoneth Deepkin ride eels, sharks, and giant turtles, for example.

But with the Idoneth Deepking covering the aquatic fanbase, it makes us wonder if this is going to be coming to their faction as some kind of new mount? Or could it be a totally legit crab model (but on the base of something a lot bigger)?

deepkin 1We know that GW also likes to throw in smaller, single-bit models on the bases of the really big things. Great Unclean Ones come with a few Nurglings, Mangler Squigs come with Snotlings, and some other Gloomspite Gitz characters have a Squig or two at their feet. So on that note, we can’t totally shut that possibility out either.

loonboss on mangler squigWhere we stand at this point, we know there’s some kind of crustacean coming down the pike. Due to Age of Sigmar’s huge selection of big nasty beasties, our guess is that it’s more than likely going to be making its way into AoS. However, we also know that 40k is a massive universe and if something like an Ambul can hit the tabletop, some kind of alien crab thing can also just as easily get some rules.

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With all of this to think about, what do you think this bit will be going to? Do you like the idea of it being some giant mythical crab beast? Or do you think it’s more likely to be a little crab going on the base of something much bigger? 

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