Everything We Know About Engine War… So Far


Based on what we know for Engine War so far, it’s looking to be the biggest release yet model-wise in Psychic Awakening. Check out the latest.

Engine War is the next book coming down the pike from GW in Psychic Awakening. Based on a handful of previews, it’s looking to be the biggest release model-wise yet for the expansion. While we’ve gotten a Primaris character here and there… a couple of Aeldari, etc. Nothing else compares to the number of models we’ve seen teased for the Ad Mech.

Engine of war

Models Accompanying Engine War Previews

We first saw these new units revealed in a video at the 2020 LVO. For the Ad Mech, all we’ve seen is flying units (both Infantry and actual airborne units) get the spotlight. It’s pretty exciting to see because the Ad Mech’s main Achilles heel over the years has been an overall lack of mobility. These new Flyers should add some needed speed to the force.

archaeopter stratoraptor transvector adeptus mechanicus 40k


archaeopter stratoraptor transvector adeptus mechanicus 40k

Archaeopters spotted on display at LVO

Since the previews at LVO, we only had the cosmetics of the models to go off of. But Warhammer Community also shed a little more light on the kits recently. The Archaeopter is getting three possible builds. The Pteraxii are getting two possible builds. One is a fast harasser (probably flamer) unit and the other uses carbines to pop things from farther away. Finally, we’ve got the cavalry which can be a long-range flanking option or a shock troop to run into enemy lines.

Archaeopter Kit Gets Three Unit Options

admech archaeopter 1Archaeopter Transvector- Transport

The Adeptus Mechanicus are also getting a new flyer, the Archaeopter. The new kit builds three different unit options – that’s 11 if you count in binary! The Transvector is an aerial transport craft, capable of delivering your infantry in speed, style and safety.


admech archaeopter 2Archaeopter Fusilave- Bomber

The bomber variant is coming with a payload of six bombs in the back. Who knows how the shockwave rule will pan out on the tabletop.

If you prefer bombers, choose the Fusilave and drop payloads of ground-penetrating, tectomagnic bombs that cause seismic shock waves.

admech archaeopter 3Archaeopter Stratoraptor- Strafing, Anti-ground target

Finally, the Stratoraptor is the ground-attack variant, soaring in to strafe targets with its heavy phosphor blasters.

Two Pteraxii Units- Sterylizors & Skystalkers

admech pteraxii sterylizorsTwo new winged units are on the way to the Ad Mech. The first being Sterilyzors…These guys look like they’re rocking some long-range flamers. If these guys are essentially a squad of five jump pack dudes with auto-hitting hoses, they’ll probably be a fantastic objective reclaimer.

admech pteraxii skystalkersOn the flip side, the Skystalkers have flechette carbines and might be a unit that’s exceptionally hard to get to. Similar to Eliminators, these guys will be able to get into tricky places and harass enemy units.

Ad Mech Also Getting New Cavalry- Serbrys & Sulpherhound Units

admech serberys cavarlySerberys units are seasoned Skitarii that are coming equipped with some kind of rifle that’ll be giving a flanking aspect to the army. We have no clue what these weapon profiles will look like but based on the unit aesthetic alone, they look like an equivalent to Primaris Inceptors…Designed to be fast and stay in a medium-range combat distance.

admech sulphurhoundsNext, Sulphurhounds are also making their way into the army. These guys are going to be a wrecking ball for the army, charging into close range and clearing a path.

Sulphurhounds, shock line-breakers who smash through defensive positions, leaving no survivors.

After all of the units previewed, it seems like the overall theme coming to the Ad Mech is speed. That’s one thing they’ve desperately needed in the past. Outside of Knight running full speed at the enemy, most of the damage-dealing units of the army were designed to sit still and gun fools down.

The Mystery Varlian Device


psychic awakening engine war 2There’s a new object being mentioned called the Varlian device. We still don’t know too much about it. However, a short story on Engine War also gave us a little insight as to what we can expect.

‘What is hidden in Cargo Bay Ceti-78,’ Kroll said, ‘is called the Varlian Device. If you would have waited, you could have basked in the glory of the Omnissiah once I had revealed the true power of this machine. Now you shall only know its name. Be grateful for that. It is more than most of the priests on this ship are granted.’

 The Varlian Device would see field tests in due time, and he could not allow sceptics like Belafont Kreeler to interfere with his great work. No one outside the Teeth of the Cog could know until the appropriate juncture. Xu Kroll turned to another vidscreen. It showed Cargo Bay Ceti-78, where a huge shape was safely tucked away underneath a heavy canvas. Yes, no one could know until the time comes…

hammer of dawnCompletely off the record here, but it sounds like it might be something like the Hammer of Dawn from Gears of War. It would be sweet to see a “device” call down laser beams from something like a death star.

Daemons Might Be Involved

psychic awakening engine war 3We saw the faction symbols for Engine War previewed already (Knight/Chaos Knights and Ad Mech/Dark Mechanicum). However, in a snapshot from a new video, it looks like there’s going to be Slaanesh and Nurgle Daemons involved as well.

At least now we know roughly what kind of roles the new Ad Mech units will fill on the tabletop once they finally drop. As for the Chaos side of things as well as the Varlian device, all of that remains largely a mystery. We’ll have to keep our eyes peeled on the days ahead for more clues.

What do you think the Varlian device could be? Could it be a weapon that auto-launched Daemons back into the Warp? Would you like to see some new Daemon kits and rules released?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.