New Lumineth Realm-Lords Army Box for AoS REVEALED!

realm-lords-wal-horGW is doing something new for their new faction releases. Here’s the latest on the Lumineth Realm-Lords Starter Army Box that is on the way for AoS!

The second week of the Biggest GW Previews ever are here! Rescheduled due to the cancelation of Adepticon, Games Workshop is revealing their latest news and previews on Twitch and Warhammer Community again today! gw preview adepticonSure, we’ve seen a few models here and there over the past weeks, here’s the latest…

GW’s not done with the Lumineth Realm-Lords yet! Check out this starter box that GW just previewed. It’s coming with all the stuff you’ll ever need for the faction supplement-wise on top of a few models as well. This was all first seen on Twitch, and then shortly after on Warhammer Community.

If you’re one of those people that likes to ball out on starting a new faction, check this out.

GW Reveals Lumineth Realm-Lords Army Box!

lumineth realmlords online preview 2 box 3GW is trying something new on this next AoS release. Making it easier for new players and vets alike to start the Realm-Lords, they’re throwing a ton in this box. It looks like we’re getting a Battleline, a Cavalry unit, and a Leader on top of other game aides.

lumineth realmlords online preview 2 boxFor the game aids, you’re getting a Battletome, which by the way that artwork looks incredible. Some objectives, warscroll cards, a 3″ measuring stick (which is money in AoS). and some dice. It’s really the baller’s starter box if you were already planning on grabbing everything available for the faction.

lumineth realmlords online preview 2 box 2We’ll have to keep our eyes peeled in the days ahead for how much this box will cost on top of anything else that GW might want to give the faction.  Right now it looks sorta like a cross between a Start Collecting box and the premium accessories that are normally sold separately.

GW Previews First New Realm-Lord Rule

lumineth realm-lords lightning reactinsThe first look we’ve gotten rules-wise for the Realm-Lords is Lightning Reactions. This is a neat little combat trick that lets two units fight before anything else gets selected. That’s REALLY powerful as we know how brutal the Hedonites of Slaanesh can be as they have strike-first combat tricks left and right.

But after looking at all the love the Lumineth Realm-Lords are getting, we’ll have to see what kind of role they fill on the tabletop. With Alliance: Death factions obviously being hard to kill/resurrecting and the Gitz just being wacky dumb creatures, the Aelves of Hysh are definitely looking unique.

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What’s your favorite model for the Realm-Lords previewed so far? Will you be starting this faction when it drops? Are you going to get the faction starter box?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!