Gaming Companies Helping Stores With Exclusive Freebies

By Wesley Floyd | April 29th, 2020 | Categories: Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

super happy guardsman wal horCheck out the exclusive freebies gaming companies from Wizards of the Coast to Games Workshop are giving to Stores to help them during the crisis.

Let’s face it. The crisis has affected almost every single person and business worldwide. However, while we’ve all been stuck social distancing, it seems that some communities have still grown closer together.

Check out what Wizards of the Coast and Games Workshop have been doing.

Gaming Companies Helping Stores With Exclusive Freebies

magic mystery boosterWizards has seen how the Magic community has adapted to LGSs being forced to close their doors. Tournaments have been run through video chats on phones and let’s face it. It’s safe to say that even though we’re all stuck at home, there has been some serious communal growth across the hobby/gaming player base.

We’ve seen stores running remote tournaments with nothing more than smartphones propped up on Bundles. We’ve seen stores running seventy player FNMs, even with no “store” to host them. We’ve seen a whole new infrastructure emerge, built from the ground up, to take the Magic experience online.

magic the gathering ixalanLast week we announced plans to deliver an allocation of Mystery Boosters, totaling $5M in retail value, apportioned out to every WPN member with no action required on your part. We want players to know that, if they want to pick up a piece of the reprint, 100% of the proceeds will go to their LGS.

No sooner had we announced than we said to ourselves, we need to do more. So today we’re proposing we double every WPN member’s allocation. But we have a small favor to ask in return.

Our priority is to protect the integrity of Magic‘s social infrastructure—the WPN and its member stores—and see them thriving and healthy on the other side of the crisis. And at a moment when face-to-face gaming is all but impossible, we know we’ll have to navigate some new territory.

With that in mind, we’ll double each WPN member’s Mystery Booster allocation if 70% of WPN members complete one or more of the following and report it to us by April 30:

While Wizards of the Coast’s support is conditional, it shouldn’t be hard to achieve for stores that have a healthy Magic the Gathering player base. Plus, for doubling their booster pack support which has insane potential value, there’s a really good incentive.

GW Jumps on Board With New Catachan Colonel Model

predator dillonIn case you missed it, GW has been making massive headway in opening up their warehouses and online stores once again. We strongly recommend you check out the details for yourself right here. But on top of the great news, they’ve also just announced a new Catachan Colonel model that independent retailers will get to keep 100% of the profit on.

catachan colonel model independent retailerNow, I know that loads of you love supporting your local independent stores, and as the warehouses come back online, we’ll be able to start resupplying them. While many of them aren’t open for business right now (and it may be some time yet before they are), we’ve come up with something special to help them out when that time comes. We’ll be sending our independent stockists a supply of a very special edition Catachan Colonel free of charge, so they can keep every penny they make!

gw retailerOther businesses have been doing it and GW has followed suit. Way to go for extending a helping hand to smaller businesses during these life-changing times we live in. Once this is all cleared up, this Colonel is probably going to fly off the shelves!

What would you like to see GW do as a “thank you” to the community once this is over? Do you like the fact that WOTC is being so proactive in the card-gaming community? Should big hobby businesses show love to FLGSs more often?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!