$300 Exclusive 40k Catachan Colonel Unboxing

By Tim Roberts | May 18th, 2020 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News

catachan col $300 featured imageCome and take a look at one of the most expensive Games Workshop new releases ever in our unboxing and build of the new Catachan Colonel!

Games Workshop is trying to do its part to assist local game stores during these trying times. But, did it help? Come and take a look at the Catachan Colonel that has skyrocketed in price. We got one of these extremely limited releases and want to show you want you can expect if you are one of the lucky few to get one for yourself.

Store Anniversary Miniature Catachan Colonel:

Once you get past the price this of Store Anniversary Miniature this is a really cool looking miniature and appears heavily based on Carl Weathers’s character from Predator. Just the pop culture aspect of this mini alone ups the cool factor of this Catachan Colonel and the fact that he is sporting a power fist means he is usable in-game too.

Catachan ColonelAssembly of this jungle fighter looks easy enough. The Catachan Colonel has his ammo crater set up for his epic Captain Morgan pose. This kit also comes with an alternative head in case you want yours to look a little different. Spoiler alert the extra head looks like Mr. T!

The power fist arm looks like it could be swapped out with a little effort if you wanted to do some conversions with something that rocks some muscles.

Catachan ColonelThe actual bits on sprue look great and the Colonel has all the amazing detail that has become the industry standard from Games Workshop. Plus, if you are wanting the green blood that is shown on the cover is actually textured onto the leaves.

Catachan Colonel And here he is folks! Hanging out with the true king of the jungle Sly Marbo. This miniature looks great. Make sure you watch the video below to hear Rob’s thoughts on whether this mini is helping or hurting our Local Game Stores amid this global crisis.

Get Yours Here: Store Anniversary Miniature Catachan Colonel

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our video below! Patreon supporters of Spikey Bits get models like this each month shipped to them.

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