Another Necron Character We Could See 9th Edition 40k

9th-edition-necronsThere is another Necron character model we could see soon in 9th Edition Warhammer 40k, and he is one bad mofo: Kutlalkh the World Killer.

We saw all the Necrons previewed online with a ton of new models headed their way in 9th Edition. But as we look at each individual model, we’re noticing some promising signs of Forge World characters coming in plastic. We’ve already talked about Toholk The Blinded. But Kutlalkh the World Killer might have been hiding in plain sight as well!

Necron Kutlakh The World Killer Hidden

photato upgradedYou might remember seeing these previews with all the new Necron hotness headed to the army in 9th Edition…

kutlakh previewThere’s another picture of Necrons with one model that didn’t make the larger army preview. This picture was also shown with the new Primaris, making us think a Box Set is on the way. Now, look at who we’ve highlighted. See that Overlord-sized figure with some kind of unique weapon and what appears to be a gun arm?

kutlakh preview 2That could be Kutlakh the World Killer, a Forge World HQ that’s existed for years without an official model. Before we jump to conclusions, it’s important to see if the model’s wargear and datasheet match up.

kutlakth the world killer datasheetThanks to Battlescribe, we’ve got an online version of his rules.

Now, starting with keywords, he’s an Overlord, which, looking at the model, seems about right in size. For wargear, he’s got an Obsidax and a Staff of Light.

necron overlordOverlord With Scythe

Now, one thing to note is that the model clearly has a different weapon from a regular Overlord model, which points to the possibility of the weapon he’s holding being unique/named. The only problem is that according to the 40k wiki, Kutlakh’s Obsidax is described as midnight black (like obsidian). In his other hand, he’s got the Staff of Light. But let’s face it….going to battle with two literal staffs (one in each hand) isn’t practical and would look kind of lame.

GW might have retconned the “staff” part out of his datasheet once the new edition drops. Instead, it might just be some laserbeam arm.

toholk kutlakh


new necron destroyerA clearer image of who we think might be Toholk the Blinded

Another piece of evidence pointing toward that model being Kutlakh is that he’s standing next to a model that we presume is Toholk the Blinded. Both of these guys are from the same Dynasty (the Maynarkh Dynasty) so it would make sense for them to both pop up in some previews together.

If Not Kutlakh, Then who?


If it’s not Kutlakh, our next guess would fall on Imotekh. Imotekh the Stormlord desperately needs a new model. Although he’s not a Maynarkh Dynasty character (he’s Sautekh), he also matches the wargear with what the model has in the previews (unique weapon, big laser hand, Overlord keyword, etc.).

imotekh datasheetLooking at Imotekh’s datasheet, he’s got a unique weapon called the Staff of the Destroyer and a hand weapon called the Gauntlet of Fire. Both of those could easily be plugged into that mystery model in the previews. Plus, Imotekh has a rule called Bloodswarm Nanoscarabs. Could it be a hint or just dumb luck that the mystery model is standing next to some units of Scarabs in the preview?

With all of this on the table, the next wave of Necron support is looking even more exciting than before. regardless of who these mystery models are, we know that they appear to be characters and have some seriously dope sculpts.

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Do you think that model is Kutlakh or Imotekh? Could it be someone new?

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