GW Announces 40k Engine War & Ad Mech New Releases

admech-wlapaperNew releases are back from GW as they just announced Psychic Awakening Engine War and Ad Mech Warhammer 40k pre-orders for next week!

Warhammer Community let us in on what’s going up for pre-order on May 30th. We saw the teasers for a bunch of these models and now finally they are here!

Psychic Awakening: Engine War

Engine WarThe focus has been on the Adeptus Mechanicus, because they have a slew of new models, but this book also covers Imperial Knights, Chaos Knights, and Chaos Daemons – including the latest units for Slaanesh!

Psychic Awakening: Engine War (Collector’s Edition)

Engine war collectorssThere is also a standard collectors edition with an alternative cover that features a black-on-black presentation we’ve seen with the rest of the Psychic Awakening books. Get it while you can, once it’s gone it’s gone.

Tech-Priest Manipulus

Tech-Priest ManipulusFirst seen in Kill Team Theta-7 Acquisitus box, these Tech-Priests are now available on their own. Their bodies are bloated with bizarre machinery, allowing them to bend the Motive Force to their will. They float across the battlefield, enhancing nearby troops and unleashing baleful energies with magnarail lances and transonic cannons. 

It’s always a great sight to see models become available on their own. If you want this model soon you’ll be able to purchase him by himself finally.

Serberys Raiders and Sulphurhounds

Serberys Raiders and Sulphurhounds 1


Serberys Raiders and Sulphurhounds 2The kit allows you to build three models in one of two ways. Sulphurhounds dual wield pistols, and their mounts are augmented with the ability to breath flaming blasts of corrosive gas. Raiders, on the other (probably bionic) hand, fire galvanic carbines with deadly accuracy before closing in to cut down their quarry with curved cavalry sabres.

Dual-purpose models with multiple options are always sweet. While the different units will look similar, the rules may make them vastly different, we will have to wait and see.

Pteraxii Sterylizors and Skystalkers

Pteraxii Sterylizors and Skystalkers 1


Pteraxii Sterylizors and Skystalkers 2 The Pteraxii box builds five of either the close-range Sterylizors, gripping white-hot phosphor torches, or mid-range Skystalkers, wielding withering flechette carbines.

Another dual-purpose kit, this one also looks sweet. By the looks of it, this might also be great for kit bashers as there is a lot of interesting bits in it.




Archaeopter detailThis incredible kit builds one of three variations on a new flying chassis. The Transvector ferries elite troops to the front and offers fire support, the Fusilave is a ground attack aircraft with a bomb rack, and the Stratoraptor is a dedicated gunship.

It looks like they really like these multi-purpose kits with this release. Options are always good in my book! This is one of the oldest models we needed a release for yet, so it’s great that it is finally here!

Start Collecting! Adeptus Mechanicus

Start Collecting! Adeptus MechanicusThis box includes ten Skitarii Vanguard or Rangers (or five of each), a Tech-Priest Enginseer and a mighty Skorpius Dunerider. The floaty tank can also be built as a Skorpius Disintegrator, so you might as well get two boxes to make the most of it.

The final release of this week is a new Start Collecting box. Skitarii may have sweet vehicles, but the foot soldiers aren’t half-bad either. With this box you get to put the spotlight of them before getting more of their signature vehicles.

What do you think about these new releases for Psychic Awakening Engine War and Ad Mech?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!