GW Teases Space Marines For Big 40k Preview On Saturday

gw-preview-40k-may-23GW just teased something about Space Marines for their big Warhammer 40k online preview this Saturday! Check out the bread crumbs they left…

There’s a big online preview on the way and to help hype up what’s going to be revealed, Warhammer 40,000’s Facebook has been posting short teasers. Going off  the theme in these posts, a lot more may be on the way for Space Marines.

GW Teases Space Marines For Big 40k Preview On Saturday

40k teaser post 1This weekend, we’re bringing you the Big Warhammer 40,000 Preview Online, and you won’t want to miss a second of it.

40k teaser post 2


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40k teaser post 4Every single teaser post they made can be traced back to the Emperor in some way. With the top picture showing a bunch of Primaris backpacks, it’s only logical to think that there’s something big on the way for the Imperium. From the trend that GW’s given us, it’s a safe guess to say that it could be focused around Primaris Marines. Here are some good options on the table for what they may get next.

What Does the Imperium Still Need?

primaris units rumor pic 2Reaching back to 2019, we saw this blurred-out image of what looks like some more Primaris. Now while that is probably a hoax, If we had to take a guess, it looks like that’s a Primaris Land Speeder in the middle of the frame with e Primaris Predator in the bottom left. Up at the top right, there are what look to be some kind of Primaris Bikes as well.

Because the pic is so blurry with no real source of where it came from, this should probably be attributed as a fake rumor. As we move into the preview, we can’t forget about the potential we have of seeing these models pop up. We DO need Primaris versions of those units still…

GW-PreOrders-Hellblasters-ContentAs for roles we still have yet to see a Primaris infantry unit fill, we could use a melta squad. For melee, some kind of fast assault squad with Jump Packs or Storm Shields would be clutch. Preferably not in Gravis armor.

Could We See Pariah Get a Box Set?

psychic awakening pariahFinally, we could be seeing a Box Set based around Psychic Awakening’s Pariah see the light of day. Any time there’s been a Psychic Awakening release with two characters revealed, there has been a Box Set. We saw it with Blood of the Phoenix and Saga of the Beast. Now, we’ve got a new Inquisitor and Szeras model previewed at the same time.

inquisitor draxus 1


illuminor szerasThat would mean that the potential for a Box Set is very real. But what could be in the Box Set? Well, there were Sisters and Primaris marines walking with the Inquisitor in the Pariah announcement teaser.

Plus, we’ve been seeing some growing hints that Flayed Ones are involved in Pariah.

What do you think will be revealed in this wave of previews? Would you like to see GW focus on Primarisizing Chapter-specific units like Ravenwing and Sanguinary Guard as well? Could new Flayed One models have two wounds?

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