Is That an Aelven Rapier? New GW Rumor Engine

gw rumor engineA new rumor engine is here and it looks like more could be on the way to Age of Sigmar or 40k. Check out this cool weapon being held by a mysterious arm.

Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine. This is one of the rare occasions where we can actually tell what we’re looking at. With that said, the bigger question is “Who’s that holding it?” Here are the details on everything that’s just been revealed.

Is That an Aelven Rapier? New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 5-19-2020This is another one of those bits that has that “exquisite” Aelven design. While there’s no battery pack on the hilt that you might see on an Astartes power sword for 40k, that doesn’t mean that some Craftworld dude couldn’t have made this and let it run off psychic energy from a spirit stone.  Now, while we could see how it might be a weapon for 40k, Age of Sigmar is still the better fit.

sideswordPhoto by Danielle armouries

The weapon looks like it might’ve gotten its inspiration from the old sidesword design for all you medieval nerds out there. Now to talk about who’s holding it. We’ve got a bracer with a matching crystal of what’s in the blade of a sword with a simple shoulder plate near the top-left corner of the frame. It certainly fits the bill for and Aeldari/Aelven warrior although we’d expect to see a little more flare on the shoulder plate.

eldar crystal swordYou can see on the Eldar Farseer/Warlock model, there’s the same kind of crystal resting in the hilt here. It’s anyone’s guess on if the bit will be making its way to 40k or AoS, but there are some strong Aeldari/Aelven hints in the bit!

Which game do you think this bit will be going to? Are there any old 40k Eldar models that use a sword that also need to be updated?

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