New Black Library: Sons of the Selenar, WH Adventures, & More

By Andrew Schrank | May 31st, 2020 | Categories: Black Library, Warhammer 40k Rumors

sanguinius walNew releases are on the way! New Warhammer Adventures and re-releases of Horus Heresy are headlining the lore side of things this week from Black Library!

Keep tabs on your favorite factions and characters from the worlds of Warhammer with this week’s new release titles.

Sons of the Selenar (Re-release)

Sons of the Selenar re-releaseAvailable previously in a limited edition format, Graham McNeill’s entry into the Siege of Terra will be up for pre-order in hardback and eBook editions. This riveting novella tells the final chapter in the story of the Sisypheum, as the crew engages in a dangerous mission that could alter the fate of the galaxy. 

Horus Heresy Books 21-25 (Re-releases)

horus heresy20-25If you’re looking to round out your collection of Horus Heresy hardback novels, don’t miss this two-week Print on Demand order period for the next five titles in the series – Fear to TreadShadows of TreacheryAngel ExterminatusBetrayer, and Mark of Calth. At this point you might want to pick up some new bookshelves to hold them all while you’re at it. 

Warhammer Adventures: War of the Orks $9 (Paperback)

war of the orksWar of the Orks is the fourth novel in Cavan Scott’s Warped Galaxies series, and this instalment sees our intrepid heroes caught in the middle of a full-scale greenskin civil war. Will they make it out unscathed, one step closer to finding the Emperor’s Seat?

Warhammer Adventures: Flight of the Kharadron $9 (Paperback)

flight of the kharadronYoung fans of the Mortal Realms will want to take a look at Tom Huddleston’s Flight of the Kharadron, the fourth installment in the Realm Quests series. As you might guess from the title, the adventurers have a run-in with the duardin privateers, with no shortage of high-flying action above the clouds! The Kharadron Overlords could be convinced to aid them on their quest… for the right price.

These upcoming releases are going to be a must-have for all you lore hounds out there. Score these titles today from The Black Library.

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