New Necron 40k Models & More 9th Edition RUMORS!

9th-edition-necronsNew Necron models may be on the way for Warhammer 40k, plus more 9th edition rumors that seem to all lineup.  Check this out.

Psychic Awakening: Pariah is on the way, and there’s been some chatter on the internet about what GW’s big plan for Necrons is. Take a look at a growing trend we’ve seen over the years.

As we talk about all of this, we doubt we will see any significant changes to the army overall, so far, in Psychic Awakening’s Pariah. However, we might see more evidence come up that GW is trying to phase out the old stuff. Here’s what we’re talking about.

New Necron 40k Models & More 9th Edition RUMORS!

necrons hor wall

Spotted on Bolter & Chainsword, user Ahzek451 said:

My buddy was in vacation in the UK and had a chat with some of the design team a little after Matt ward’s newcrons came out. Was the general consensus, which makes sense since all new models that used to use green rods (warscythes, immortals, tomb spyders) No longer have them. Plus all other new models and newer still dont have any. Now that was a few years ago, and there could be a small chance that could change….but the new cryptek and szeres doesnt give me hope that the rods will appear again. GW has left a heavy crumb trail.

Destroyers, Finecast lords, and monoliths were remnants of the second big Necron release back in 3rd when GW was crazy about green clear bits. They just haven’t had an updated model yet. I would be willing to bet any new model for these will not have the green rods.

Of the models they mentioned, it’s spot on.

necron lordOld Necron Lord model

necron lord 2New Necron Lord model

old necron immortalsOld Necron Immortals image from Flickr.

Necron Immortals ReformatCurrent Necron Immortals

Of course, these are just a few examples listed, and they have taken years to come about. However, it looks like GW might be slowly moving away from the LEGO-looking green plastics that 90% of people just paint over anyways.

necron warriorFrom Shas-Vre on Cool Mini or Not

It’s also worth noting that all of the new(er) Necron releases from GW haven’t ha any green plastic bits in their kit for years. 

What Are Some Models To Follow Suit?

necron destroyer



necron warriors


necron monolithLooking at the current Necron line, there are still plenty of minis that use the semi-transparent green plastic bits. There are also plenty of units like Anrakyr the Traveller and Flayed Ones that are still in *shudders* Finecast. Although it looks like there’s been a slow but steady move on GW’s part to upgrade their model line.

Support in Psychic Awakening: Pariah

illuminor szeras oldOld Illuminor Szeras

illuminor szerasNew Illuminor Szeras

The old Szeras model was also made out of Finecast, but in the latest batch of Pariah previews, we’ve seen he’s getting a completely redesigned plastic kit. On top of his switch from Finecast to plastic, there have been other rumors of Necrons getting more support.

Coming from Sete on B&C, he had this to say:

The following are rumours so apply salt accordingly.

  • September a new edition will drop and Necrons will be the new bad guys in the block.
  • Some finecast units might get redone, I think the flayers were brought up.
  • There are rumours of a new Necron codex as well for 9th.
  • A new edition cycle will begin, so ya know what to expect, we have been trough this for a few times now.

We also already know that the Silent King is most likely on the way as well, after the recent GW Teaser video, that my just lend weight to these previous rumors from before that big reveal.

It’s probably safe to say that Necrons could use continued support to their model line, but improvements have most certainly been made over the past few years.

With all of this taken into account, what do you think we’ll see by the time Psychic Awakening rolls around? Would you like to see the green plastic bits go away from every model for good? Or would you prefer GW to turn every Finecast kit into plastic first?

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