The Final Screams of Dead Psykers: Volcano Cannon LORE

Volcano Cannon FeatureCome and learn about one of the big guns of the 41st Millennium as we examine the heavy-duty Volcano Cannon. Let’s take a look.

It’s one of the most deadly long-range weapons on the battlefield. The Volcano cannon is so deadly that the platform it sits on is sometimes secondary. Let’s learn more about this weapon.

Via: Lexicanum

This long-ranged weapon is capable of slicing off the arm or leg of a Titan or killing an enemy war engine with a single shot. But, a Warhound Scout Titan with intact Void Shields can survive a direct hit. Its firepower is similarly stupendous against lesser targets. It reduces a Razorback to nothing more than a blackened scorch mark and utterly vaporizes a thick hundred meter-tall iron gate as though it never existed.Screenshot_24

Volcano Cannons are manufactured in small numbers on just a handful of Forge Worlds in addition to Mars. These included Estaban IIIPhaeton and Gryphonne IV, all of which are surrounded by formidable Imperial defenses.

The crystals needed for the weapon to fire, are taken from a mineral vein on the Mining World Cinderus XI. The crystals were created when Heretic Psykers were slaughtered and buried beneath the lava rivers on the planet, after a failed plot to kill the Planetary Governor. You can hear a loud crackling noise when the Volcano Cannon fires them.

Volcano Cannon

This noise, which some claim are the final screams of the dead Psykers, is known to drive those who fight beside the weapon insane. However, the tank or Titan crews themselves have never reported suffering from these ill effects. As a result, units of infantry-escorting vehicles and Titans using the Volcano Cannon are subject to periodic purges. The Imperium sees this as an acceptable price to pay for deploying such a devastating weapon on the battlefield.Screenshot_25

Find Out More About The Volcano Cannon!