40k Roadmap: Stores Confirm 9th Edition Indomitus Release

40k ninth edition 9thWhen will 9th Edition 40k and the Indomitus Box finally release? Honestly, it may be a little bit longer than most of us would like.

Based on what we’ve been seeing previewed, combined with retailer discussions and the latest from Industry insiders the date when 9th Edition will finally hit has been nailed down from the looks of it.  Here’s what you need to know.

40k Roadmap: Stores Confirm 9th Edition Indomitus Release


Indomitus box armiesWe’ve already talked about the projected pricing of the new Box Set. But when will 9th Edition officially hit? Well, it’s up for debate still as there’s been no official word. However, doing some educated guesswork here’s a loose schedule. The good news is that it might be here before the end of July. 

9th edition preview saturday

We saw earlier that Gw announced a new 9th Edition preview will be taking place on Saturday, July 4th. They mentioned that they would be peaking inside the box and comparing the stats of different units. On the first Sunday after the previews, that could be when we see the Box Set officially announced for pre-orders starting the following week on July 11th.

After this, there could be a two-week pre-order grace period to where we see it officially on the shelves and in stores on July 25th.

indomitus box coming in julyGW themselves has even labeled the box as coming in July, but what that actually means could be a number of things.

New 9th Edition Signage Hits Retail Stores

Meanwhile, retailers have gotten new signage to herald in the new edition (and some with AoS icons just to be inclusive to their other major line), and some have confirmed from GW an end of the month release as well.

40k poster indomitus 9thNew Rack Headers

9th edition store art 2New Window Cling

40k poster indomitus 9thNew Poster/Banner

primaris book cover hor space marine walSorry brother Steve, no standee has been spotted yet to accompany you into battle…

Now that we’ve spat out all the potential dates, here’s a condensed potential roadmap to follow:

  • July 4th: Confirmed 9th Edition preview.
  • July 5th: possible “Next Week” pre-order announcement for 9th.
  • July 11th: Indomitus goes up for pre-order for two weeks.
  • July 25th: 9th Edition Indomitus Box is in stores. 

With that said 9th Edition looks to be headed to stores at the end of July with a two-week explosion of previews stuffed in the middle from some of your favorite content creators, just like we saw with the lead up to the release of Contrast paint.

What are your overall thoughts on 9th Edition? They’ve made the game more complex but is it for the better? When do you think we’ll see Indomitus official hit the store?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!  This post contains affiliate links, as an eBay Associate Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.