An Artifact of Great Power: Blackstone Fortress: LORE


Come learn what you can about the mysterious Blackstone Fortress as we try to unlock its secrets from all the years of Warhammer lore!

These ancient temples of unknown origin are shrouded in mystery. How many exist, what is their purpose, and who created these monstrosities floating amongst the stars? Let’s crack the code.

Via: Lexicanum

The Blackstone Fortresses were remotely controlled by Abaddon the Despoiler with the alien artifacts Hand of Darkness and Eye of Night. Once fully activated, a Blackstone Fortress is capable of breaking the barrier between realspace and warpspace, creating a beam of pure immaterium to destroy everything in its path. This power can be linked with other Fortresses to create an even more powerful beam, as was evident when Abaddon used two Fortresses to destroy the planet Fularis II, and three to cause the Tarantis star to go supernova.


The Gothic War was Abaddon’s Black Crusade to capture and activate the six Blackstone Fortresses. He succeeded in taking three, but was defeated by the combined might of the Imperium and the Eldar. The Imperial Navy and Angels of Redemption tried to recapture one of the Fortresses, however it self-destructed, along with the three still in the Imperium’s hands. The remaining two retreated with Abaddon back into the Eye of Terror.


These two would reappear, 800 years later, supporting Typhus and his Plaguefleet in Abaddon’s 13th Black Crusade. They would later split up, each sent to reinforce the attacks on Cadia and Kasr Partox. The Blackstone assaulting Cadia, the Will of Eternity, nearly destroyed the planet but was itself crippled by the Phalanx after a Space Wolves boarding party disabled its shields. The debris of the Will of Eternity was later redirected into Cadia by Abaddon, which shattered the planet.


At some point, Abaddon gifted one of the Blackstone Fortresses to Huron Blackheart. This Fortress was later used to house the reborn Primarch Roboute Guilliman and his followers when they were captured during the Terran Crusade. It became the site of fierce fighting when Cypher and Sylandri Veilwalker freed Guilliman and his men.

Later, Harlequins of the Masque of the Shattered Mirage launched a surprise attack on the Red Corsairs Blackstone Fortress, aided by a rogue faction from Yme-Loc. The Eldar seek to capture and control this ancient “Talisman of Vaul”.

Find Out More About The Blackstone Fortress!

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