Chaos Power Fist: New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

gw rumor engineAnother rumor engine is here from GW and this time, it looks like we are stepping back into the universe of 40k for some Chaos love. Check out this new bit.

Warhammer Community revealed another rumor Engine bit right on time. This is another one of those pics where we can clearly tell what we’re looking at. However, the bigger mystery lies within what the bit is attached to. Here are all the details.

Chaos Power Fist: New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 6-9-2020So here we go. It’s not difficult to see that this is some kind of power fist that did a little work on something. If we had to take a guess, we’d say this fist looks like a Traitor dude more than Loyalist…Mainly because Chaos has all the points claw fingers on their models.

Chaos Terminator space marines 2019 newCheck out the fist on this Alpha Legion Termie. It’s almost exactly the same. The only thing that the rumor engine has going for it is that it looks even bigger than the Terminator’s fist…So what else has a big fist?

helbruteNow that’s looking a little bit more similar. We’re not saying this is 100% a new Helbrute fist. However, we can see that the fist in the rumor engine is looking more armored than a Terminator. Plus, Chaos Terminators just got new kits that aren’t even a year old yet.

With all of this on the table, do you think we could be looking at a redesigned Helbrute? What’s another Chaos model with a power fist that needs a rework?

22 New Model Rumor Engine Left Before 9th Edition 40k

rumor engine primaris wal hor pdf download warhammer communityThere are 22 new model Rumor Engine teasers left before 9th Edition Warhammer 40k arrives, but some of them are not even sci-fi… Read More

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