GW Hides New 40k Character Targeting Rules in Preview

Blood angels danteGW just hid how the new 40k character targeting rules will work in 9th Edition in a short preview. Check out the changes and how it will impact the game now

Warhammer Community dropped a short preview focusing on Sisters of Battle. However, in that preview was a Look Out, Sir! rule that shows extremely different wording from the current character targetting rule. Let’s dissect this.

GW Hides New 40k Character Targeting Rules in Preview

shadowspear primaris 3 eliminatorCurrently, character rule applies if they are under a wound threshold and aren’t the closest unit to the enemy. Obviously, some units like Scout Snipers and Eliminators get around that, which makes sense. However, we’ve all had games where there’s a character miles away from anyone else, but because a small Scout squad is 3″ closer and in the open, you can’t see that Smash Captain getting ready to ruin your day. It just looks dumb and leads to frustration.

9th edition look out sirI think the largest challenge players will face in the new edition is the change to the Look Out, Sir rules, which requires more careful positioning of your Characters for them to benefit from the same level of protection.

Well, here’s the new rule. It seems like the character protection is going to become even more conditional. Similar to the way the character rule works in AoS, it only triggers when the character is standing close to other friendly units. However, unlike AoS where all you get is a -1 to hit, you just flat-out won’t be able to target the character.

danteVehicles, Monsters, and squads of 3 or more models will make your character untargetable. This makes way more sense because now, because your characters will actually have to be “lost in the commotion of the fight” which was their mentality by making it so characters weren’t targetable in the first place. While it’s a bit more conditional, characters should still be adequately protected in-game without the silliness of having a dude in the open, but still technically being totally safe.

With this now added to the book of rules revealed for 9th Edition, do you think characters in horde armies are going to have a field day on the tabletop? Will Snipers become even more important? Will positioning in elite armies like Custodes be critical? 


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