New Necron Units For 9th Edition 40k Announced

We had seen them before in leaked images but feast your eyes on the new Necron Lokhust Heavy Destroyer and the Canoptek Doomstalker!

The BIG online 40k GW Preview for the new 9th Edition box set is here! Games Workshop is revealing their latest news and previews on Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community today! At first, the stream appeared it was just for the box, but they also announced separate new models outside of the box!

warhammer 40k previewSure, we’ve seen a few teasers about new 40k here and there over the past weeks, however here’s the latest straight from GW now!

Necrons are also getting two brand new unit options in the form of a walker and the Heavy Destroyer model we have all been waiting for!  There were also some hints on Warhammer Community to how they might play in a game!

It looks like this is just the beginning of the Necron new release cycle for 2020 as we have seen these two models before.photato upgraded Plus, two of their bigger releases were included on the other half of this image:

Lokhust Heavy Destroyer


Lokhust Heavy Destroyers whiteFitted with advanced optics and wielding gauss destructors and enmitic exterminators, Lokhusts are programmed to erase the heaviest opposition. Those powerful jets make them highly mobile, and the long reach of their weapons means they’ll be taking out their quarry and making for an especially resilient target. 

Long-range heavy hitters with mobility means these will be able to dish out the pain while mitigating the damage they take too.

Lokhust Heavy DestroyerThe Destroyers of old packed a big punch, so these new and improved ones are sure to deliver in a similar fashion.

Lokhust Heavy Destroyer actionNothing like a one-man tank just hanging out, chilling in your army, ready to rain down some serious pain.

Lokhust Heavy Destroyer action 2

Canoptek Doomstalker

Canoptek Doomstalker white

The colossal Doomsday Blaster mounted to the back of these leggy constructs can be fired on the move, or they can remain stationary to unleash its full cataclysmic potential. If anyone gets too close, auxiliary twin gauss flayers add a little extra hurt. 

There seems to be a hint that they won’t be able to move and fire heavy weapons, or at least they will get a bonus to standing still and shooting. Either way with a name like Doomsday Blaster, it’s sure to deal out a metric ton of damage.

Canoptek DoomstalkerNecrons will also be another model to the new lineup of walkers they are getting. Unlike its reanimating brother, this one appears to be trying to deal some damage.

Canoptek Doomstalker & Canoptek Reanimator Speaking of other walkers, here we can see the two next to each other as they would be in the same army! Looks like the Destroyer is slightly larger, even without including the giant cannon on top.

Are you looking forward to either of these new additions on top of the box releases?  How much do you think these models will cost?

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