New Imperial Siege Walker? GW Rumor Engine Spotted

gw rumor engineAnother GW rumor engine is here and this time around, it looks a bit like a 40k Imperial siege walker for 40k. Check out the latest mystery bit.

Warhammer Community dropped another rumor engine right on time. While we can’t see exactly what we’re looking at, we know it’s something mechanical. Here are all the details we’ve spotted.

New Imperial Siege Walker? GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 6-2-2020Whatever this bit belongs to, it looks like it’s not supposed to move. The first two thoughts that popped into our heads was that it could be a terrain piece or maybe some kind of new heavy artillery platform.  It also seems to share some design elements with the Chaos Defiler as well.
sc siege tank
We’re thinking something along the lines of the Terran Siege Tank from StarCraft.

Whatever it is, the lack of spirit stones or spikes narrows it down to probably something Imperial. It’s difficult to tell if this is something for the Astartes, Mechanicus, or Imperial Guard, however. At the end of the day, the thought of a big chungo cannon platform is pretty tight. But it would more than likely become a game of not letting it see melee combat against every person you play.

What do you think we’re looking at here? Should faction terrain become a bigger part of 40k? Would a Primaris Siege tank see play?

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