45 Years of D&D: Adult Sapphire Dragon

Sapphire Dragon 3The ground trembles under the massive feet of the Adult Sapphire Dragon! Every explorer’s nightmare comes true the instant they see the beast.

Once you’ve seen its face it’s too late, your treasure is his. This awesome model is on pre-order for the beginning of July to celebrate the 45th year anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons. The Psionic nature of the dragon will draw you in and eventually devour you. And now that you’ve become little more than a snack for the monstrous beast, it’s time to start a new campaign. Maybe it won’t be so dire, I guess it all depends on how mean your GM is!

Adult Sapphire Dragon: $69.99


Sapphire Dragon 2

His bellows can be heard across the eons. Mages new and old cower at his scream. You love dragons right? Of course, you do. Now, go check out what else is happening with the majestic beasts.

Sapphire Dragon 3

I love the clear blue! It gives you an awesome looking model without picking up the paintbrush. What more could any hobbyist ask for?

Adult Sapphire Dragon

That’s a backside I wouldn’t mind looking at on the tabletop! If you’re just getting into Dungeons and Dragons go see what essentials you need to get started

Adult Sapphire Dragon

His tail sparkles with the light of a thousand stars (or twelve). What a perfect centerpiece for either D&D or any other system. Any way you can get this guy on the tabletop is the right way.

What a cool model to commemorate the 45th year with! The model looks great and comes ready to play with. No painting required, it doesn’t get easier than that.

The Sapphire dragons are the most territorial of all dragons. They hoard such large amounts of treasure it’s worth an entire campaign just to slay this beast! Don’t slack on getting yours and go grab this incredible model today. 

The Psychic Dragon: $69.99