Dark Mechanicum Get Their Wings? New GW Rumor Engine

gw rumor engineA new rumor engine is here and this one is one of the more strange ones we’ve seen in a while. Check out what GW just previewed for yourself.

Coming from Warhammer Community, there’s a new rumor engine out and we can’t say for certain if it’ll be for 40k or Age of Sigmar. Here’s a closer look.

Dark Mechanicum Get Their Wings? New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 7-7-20So if we had to take a shot in the dark on this one, we’d say this is some kind of modification to a Dark Mechanicum dude. Whatever we’re looking at, it doesn’t seem natural. It looks almost like skin was draped over a bunch of cables and chords. Something that the Dark mechanical would certainly do.

Pteraxii Sterylizors and Skystalkers 2We’ve just seen the Pteraxii which have wings that are crisp and clean. The demented Chaos version could easily be some skin of their enemies draped over a framework for a wing.

As of right now, the Dark Mechanicum doesn’t have official plastic models from GW. It would be cool and quite possible to see GW bring in an edgy mechanical faction that splintered off from the Ad Mech during the Heresy.

anacharis scoriaIt’s worth mentioning that we’ve seen some spooky Mechanicum stuff come out of Forge World in the recent past with Anarcharis Scoria hitting the tables in 30k. Maybe GW could be about to show Chaos some more love?

What do you think we’re looking at? Could this be for the Dark Mechanicum or something else? Is there any faction for AoS this bit would fit under?

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