Indomitus Box & 9th Edition 40k Price CONFIRMED!

The confirmed price is rolling in for all of the 9th Edition 40k launch items, including the Indomitus box cost! Don’t miss the next wave of releases!

Retailers have already confirmed the prices for the Indomitus Box Set as well as other 9th Edition co-releases. Take a look at what everything will cost in the days ahead so you can start saving your hobby $$$.

Indomitus Box Set $199

indomitus box 9th Edition 40k box set


Indomitus box armiesThis Box Set is full of new units on both the Necrons and Space Marines side Clocking in at just under $200, if you and a friend can scavenge up $100 a pop, it’s a great release to split!

9th Edition Indomitus 40k Box Set Pricing & Value

9th-edition-box-set-contentsWe’ve got a pretty good guess on how much the pricing for the 9th Edition 40k Idomintus Box Set pricing and how much value will be inside. Read More

9th Edition Core Book $65

9th ed core bookThe Core Book is going to have everything needed to play the new Edition. There have been tweaks to just about every phase as well as a massive overhaul on terrain.

Speaking of the Core Book, GW already dropped a free downloadable PDF of the rules recently!

Also were not sure what the individual core rulebook will look like as the one pictured above is confirmed only coming in Indomitus right now!

Chapter Approved Grand Tournament 2020 $40

chapter approved 2020 9thWith a new edition, GW is also releasing a Grand Tournament mission pack for you to organize competitive games with your LGS as well as points for 9th Edition 40k units.


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Open War Cards $18

9th edition open war card 1With reworked phases and new Secondary Objectives, a newly redesigned Open War card pack will be released. Get ready for all sorts of unique games just waiting to be generated with this deck!

Crusade player’s Pack $35

crusade journal 1


crusade journal 2It’s not 100% clear as to what a Crusade pack entails. However, we did see a new Crusade journal previewed where players can record the results of their games and keep tabs on the conditions of their units.

Black Library Indomitus (HB) $27

indomitus novelThis sees the Ultramarines attached to the supposedly cursed Crusade Fleet Quintus encounter the Necrons in the Pariah Nexus. Faced with a choice between saving billions of souls and bringing word of xenos horrors to Primarch Guilliman, they must make a difficult decision. 

Releases Mentioned That We Haven’t Seen

question chaos marine hor walIn the midst of the stuff we have seen previewed, there are also some releases that we haven’t even seen hit the spotlight yet. From a new range of paints that look to be centered around the Necron’s new paint scheme and maybe a re-sized 40k board, there’s more that’s about to drop than we initially thought.

40k Battlezone Manufactorum Battlefield $50

40k Battlezone Manufactorum Objectives $40

Citadel Base: Runelord Brass (12mL) $6.10

Citadel Layer: Canoptek Alloy (12mL) $6.10

Citadel Shade: Cryptek Armourshade (18mL) $7.80

Citadel Technical: Tesseract Glow (18mL) $7.80

40k Combat Gauge $27

40k Carrying Case $60

As we’ve mentioned before, there looks to be more releases in store than we might’ve first thought. But now that the Indomitus Box Set pricing is revealed, we can really begin to calculate just how much value is inside!


Essential Hobby Products & Tools List

Will you be splitting Indomitus with a friend or grabbing multiple for yourself? What do you think the star unit for the Necrons will be? What about the Space Marines? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!