Lelith Hesperax New Groove: GW Rumor Engine

gw rumor engineAnother rumor engine is here and we feel confident to say that Lelith Hesperax may be getting a new model for the Dark Eldar.

Warhammer community dropped another rumor engine right on time today showcasing some hair with barbs tangled in. If you know your minis, there should only be one that comes to mind and that’s Lelith Hesperax.

Lelith Hesperax New Groove: GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 7-14-20Take a look at the rumor engine. We’ve got what looks to be two long coils of hair with hooks tied in.

lelith hesperaxLooking at the current Lelith Hesperax Dark Eldar model, she’s got some long flowing hair with hooks tied into the ends as well. Another pointer that is suggesting this as a new Lelith model is that she’s currently pretty old (Dark Eldar came out in 2011 so almost a decade). She’s still being made in Finecast which, well is not a big hit with hobbyists…

eldar drazhar 1Get Your Own Drazhar, Master of Blades

We’ve just seen Drazhar get a new model so it seems like in the middle of all the Primaris projects getting added into 40k, GW is slowly going over some Xenos factions on the side to bring older stuff up to date.

After seeing this bit, do you think this could be Lelith’s hair or somebody else’s? Is Lelith your favorite character in the lore? 

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