New 9th Edition 40k Terrain Releases SPOTTED!

Eternal-Crusade- marine video game dark angel horNew 9th Edition 40k terrain releases have been spotted hidden in plain sight on the Games Workshop site and hitting the ports.  Check this out.

Earlier on, we did some port scrying and found a humongous shipment of terrain kits passing though the ports here in the states. Fast forward to where we’ve seen everything about the new terrain rules, there still might be more terrain kits ahead. Note that we’re talking about unaligned terrain, although we’ve also just seen Space Marines and Necrons get their faction terrain sets previewed too

Earlier Terrain That Hit the Ports

commodity components port scry AS SEEN ON SPIKEY BITS

If you look at the list here, we’ve got a bunch of different commodity components from the Killzone sets that released a while back that hit the ports recently. There was what looks to be 42 pallets and in the past, we’ve seen “components” as ONLY the sprue. So what could GW be doing with 42 pallets worth of Killzone terrain sprues? Well, what if it’s not sprues, what if it’s also the boards that came with those games too? Seeing that 9th Edition game size is based on multiples of Kill Team boards, there may be something clever in the works here…

Let’s point out the terrain that’s made the list here that we’ve seen before:

New 9th Edition 40k Terrain Releases SPOTTED!

Keep in mind too, these Killzone sets are no longer listed for sale on Games Workshop’s site currently.

mechanicus refineryMechanicus Refinery

sector fronteris 1Sector Fronteris

sector munitorumSector Munitorum

So between cranes, storage crates, some walls, and a refinery, there’s a good bit of terrain of both terrain, and unique boards here.  However, with one of the latest pics to hit the web, there may be even more terrain coming than we first bargained for.

New Manufactorum Battlefield


Digging deep on the Games Workshop webstore, we’ve got a picture of a new 40k terrain box called “Battlefield” that was hidden in plain sight. From what we can see, this is an all-new terrain kit with some heavy Mechanicus undertones to the piping.

thermic plasma conduitsIt all looks vaguely similar to the current thermic plasma conduit terrain kit that you can still find online.   We’ve seen half of this box before as a matter of fact, it looks to come with this new terrain board set:

Battlezone: Manufactorum – Battlefield $50

Battlezone Manufactorum BattlefieldGet your table game-ready in minutes with these durable card battlefield tiles! Simply unfold and combine, and you’ve got an appropriately war-torn place to fight, particularly when combined with some scenery. This set is perfect for playing Combat Patrol or Incursion games, but grab two of them, and you’ll have a large enough play area for a 2000 point Strike Force game!

With this box right around the corner, it’ll be interesting to see what kind of terrain rules fit the piping and big Mechanicum silo.


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What do you think about the terrain support 9th Edition is getting? Do you like what you’re seeing inside the Manufactorum Battlezone box?

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