Take Baal From Our Cold Dead Hands: Blood Angels Collection

blood angels showcase walCheck out this incredible head-turning Blood Angels collection! There’s so much power armor they look like fire ants swarming the table.

The majority of the models in this army are from Forge World. Including Mark V Heresy armor, jump packs, and special characters. The army includes gold Breachers, instead of Sanguinary Guard, Sanguinary Priests, Tactical Squads, Tartarus Terminators, a Contemptor Dreadnought, Storm Ravens, Razorbacks, Rhinos, and Predators.

Weapons include flamers, meltas, bolters, swords, and many other options. Since the groundwork for conversion bits has been laid out, dive in on this incredible Blood Angels force with us.

Coming from a collection that may or may not have been painted by Kenny Boucher over at Next Level Painting. here’s the firepower these Blood Angels are flexing.

Take Baal From Our Cold Dead Hands: Blood Angels Collection

blood angels showcase 1All the vehicles have modular options for weapons, including turrets for the Razorbacks with various gun options. Predators might have drawn the short stick in 8th edition getting their Stratagem support removed. However, these Predators are still turning heads on the tabletop. Plus, if needed, they can always be switched up to be Rhinos and Razorbacks for some dank transportation.

blood angels showcase 2For characters, this army includes pre-primaris Mephiston, Dante, the Sanguinor, and several other big names in the Blood Angels. Rocking deep reds and beautiful golds, it’s not very hard to spot these guys out of the crowd.

blood angels showcase 3With the new and improved Chapter Tactic giving +1 to wound, charge, and advance, these Blood Angels are chomping at the bit to get into combat. Most of the units in this list are also wearing Jump Packs which means this force is full of rich targets for all the Jump-unit Stratagem support out of their codex as well as Psychic Awakening’s Blood of Baal.

blood angels showcase 4Of course, while the majority of these Blood Angels rush forward at the enemy with blistering speeds, the two Storm Ravens act like big brother flying ahead of everyone else laying down some strafing runs with a beautiful red/yellow paint combo.

blood angels showcase 5You can get a closer look at this army with the video below. Also, be sure to check out Next Level Painting on Twitch for awesome tutorials.

How does your Blood Angels collection compare to this one? Do you still spam Stormravens in your list? Did you go with an alternate paint color from Mephiston Red?

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