This YouTuber Gave Up His GW NDA- But Why?

youtube-space-marine-NDA-games-workshopAn NDA stands for “Non-Disclosure Agreement” and before you think about pursuing a GW partnership, you may want to see why this YouTuber gave his up.

Midwinter Minis, is a very skilled painter on YouTube, and recently he came forth and told the community why he has terminated his Non-Disclosure Agreement with GW. But before we get into why we have to lay the foundation.

This YouTuber Gave Up His GW NDA- But Why?

Midwinter Minis doesn’t work for Games Workshop so it’s not like he ever left the company. However, because of his community outreach from his videos, GW “partnered” with him to give him content before the official release date. They entered an NDA which basically allowed him to get content ahead of time while certain legal implications would take place if he leaked anything important at the wrong time. You’d think that there would be some sensitive information being handed out with an agreement like that, however, Midwinter Minis said otherwise. 

He essentially said that he was told virtually nothing, and got models only two days prior to when they would go up for pre-order. His goal was to have them painted and do a showcase video on them the same day they went up for pre-order. However, with only getting 48 hours to assemble, paint, shoot, and edit videos before their pre-order date, he felt rushed and overwhelmed. He would also get shipments of minis he already had, which he didn’t really know what to do with them. So, he turned them into some prize giveaways to help support the channel.

midwinter minis 1He said over the course of a year, he got about 200 GBP worth of content and no information. Everything he was told was already, at the time, posted on the Warhammer Community site despite his channel being one of the main 40k content channels on the platform.

 The Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back

40k 9th new editionThe deciding factor for Midwinter Minis to cancel his NDA was that he was told absolutely nothing on the new Edition of 40k. He’s not walking away from GW and said that everyone he’s talked to from the company was great.

So what’s the point of all this? 

sanguinor loreThe point of all this directed toward all of the other content creators out there. If you’re growing in community support and are looking at trying to give GW to give you an “upper hand” on releases, you may not want to break your back trying to enter an NDA with them as it seems from the outside looking in, simply not worth it.

Some Of Midwinter’s Work


From going on questionable painting binges to trying to figure out which 40k character his girlfriend is describing, his channel is full of content.

midwinter minis 4As for his tutorials, he looks to particularly specialize in the realm of speed painting. Something that is underestimated in today’s hobby culture. Be sure to check his channel out because he’s probably got something there for you to enjoy, no matter what kind of hobbyist you are!

Should GW not be afraid to hand out more “sensitive” content given the rate of solid leaks recently? Do you know anyone else that’s worked with GW in the same way in the past? 

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