2020 Generals Handbook: Order Changes

sigmar aosThe 2020 Generals Handbook has brought a ton of changes, and today we’re taking a closer look at the Order faction and how they play in the newest edition.

Let us continue our dive into the new Generals Handbook after going over the changes to death last week (check that out here). Today we are going to go over the Order factions and see what kind of point changes we have going on.

generals handbook 2020

2020 General’s Handbook


I am not going to go into this list as there are only two units in this section. It seems like a placeholder for a future release.

Cities of Sigmar:

This army just got an errata back in July and we are using those points rather than the General’s Handbook. (GHB has the wrong points for them)

  • Irondrakes down 20 points
  • Longbeards down 10 points
  • Steamtank down 20 points
  • Battlemage up 20 points
  • Warden King down 10 points.
  • Steam Tank with commander down 20 points
  • Black Guard down 10 points
  • Drakespawn Knights
  • Executioners down 10 points.
  • Free Guildgreatsowrds down 20 points
  • Scourgerunner Chariots down 20 points

This is a pretty good update for the non all spells all the time Cities army. So people with historical models that just want to play them can field more of their units. With all magic all the time army, there is not much change outside of a little bit of a nerf to their save. Still, they are going to own the magic game and still hit like a hammer. Do not expect to see these guys knocked out of top tier with these changes.

empire free peoples cities of sigmar wal hor

Daughters of Khaine:

These had some tweaks in October (Avatar of Khaine and Blood Stalkers) but those have been covered before. The changes between that October errata and the GHB2020 is below.

  • Hag Queen up 10 points
  • Bloodwrack Shrine up 10 points
  • Hag Queen on Cauldron of Blood up 40 points
  • Doomfire Warlocks down 20 points

Daughters of Khaine


Gotrek is officially the only Duardin unit now. Which makes me think he will eventually be reclassified as a mercenary or something.


Another army that was updated in October 2019 (Vulkite Berzerkers and Hearthguard Berzerkers).

  • Auric Runefather on Magmadroth down 10 points
  • Auric Runesmither on Magmadroth down 20 points
  • Lords of the Lodge up 10 points
  • Auric Runeson on Magmadroth down 10 points

All in all these guys are still a pretty good army. And I think with the point drops on the Magmadroth units GW is trying to get players to use the more mobile units. Which is needed in the battle plans of the future. Because with more objective points Fyreslayers of old struggle with being able to capture enough points to win.


Idoneth Deepkin:

These had an update back in October as well (Akhelian Leviadon, Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of Storm, Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of Sea, Akhelian Allopex). The changes between then and the GHB 2020 are below.

  • Namati Thralls down 10 points
  • Akhelian King down 10 points
  • Lotann, Warden of the Soul Ledgers down 10 points
  • Volturnos, High King of the Deep down 10 points
  • Namarti Reavers down 10 points

Idoneth Deepkin Art Cover artDecreasing non-eel units is a good start but it needs to happen more than 10 points at a time for this army. There is still no reason to not take eels compared to the other units (outside of them being way cooler). The eels are fast which is great for an objective game, hit super hard, have survivability, and are still under costed compared to the thrall’s counterparts. For the next year expect more and more eels.

Kharadron Overlords:

These are the most intriguing of the Order armies that got a recent overall, in that they had a lot of needed point changes. In the past, they cost way too much and did very little, but with the changes, they can finally field an army that is a little fairer.

  • Arkanaut Frigate down 30 points
  • Arkanaut Ironclad down 30 points
  • Brokk Grungsson down 20 points
  • Arkanaut Admiral down 20 points
  • Endrinmaster with Dirigible suit down 30 points
  • Grundstok Gunhauler down 20 points
  • Grundstok down 20 points
  • Iron Sky Attack Squadron down 20 points
  • Iron Sky Command down 20 points

kharadon overlord walThis is great news for the Kharadron. As these are a lot of models that people like playing with (flying pirate ships!). Not only can this help them competitively, but it brings them more in line with what the models do. They could use a few more tweaks here and there. I still think they are a little too expensive and too few models in what is an objective game. But the new fly high rules for the ships really help them out in that department.


The Seraphon became the new hotness with Lord Kroak casting all the spells and the summoning party they can do. The drops to this list are needed but I think they missed the boat a bit on not bumping up the cost of some of the spell casters.

  • Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur down 20 points
  • Skink Oracle on Troglodon down 40 points
  • Stegadon with Skink Chief down 20 points
  • Salamander Hunting Park up 30 points

seraphon lizardmen wal horSalamanders jumping up in cost is justified as those things can tear through armies. And at 80 points beforehand you could flood the field with them. I love the skink oracle dropping 40 points as that was way too high for what it did. (also the model is sweet) This won’t stop the summoning party which is their strength. But that is more of an issue of where the game is at rather than the point costs of the Sereaphon units.

Stormcast Eternals:

The Space Marines of Sigmar except that they are not very good anymore. These guys need an overall buff. As some of the very first Age of Sigmar units to be released, they have underpowering stats and cost way too much compared to models being released 2-3 years later.

AOS StormcastPoints Drops:

  • Liberators down 10 points
  • Astreia Solbright down 20 points
  • Aventis Firestrike down 40 points
  • Celestant Prime down 40 points
  • Errant Questor up 30 points
  • Knight Incantor down 20 points
  • Knight Venator down 10 points
  • Lord Aquilor down 10 points
  • Lord Arcanum down 10 points
  • Knight Vexillor down 10 points
  • Lord Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline down 10 points
  • Lord Arcanum on Gryph Charger down 20 points
  • Neave Blacktalon down 10 points
  • Lord Arcanum on Tauralon down 40 points
  • Lord Celestant on Dracoth down 20 points
  • Desolators down 10 points
  • Lord Exorcist down 30 points
  • Aetherwinds down 10 points
  • Lord Veritant down 10 points
  • Vandus Hammerhand down 20 points
  • Drakesworn Templar down 40 points
  • Lord Celestant on Stardrake down 60 points
  • Castigators down 10 points
  • Concussors down 20 points
  • Decimators down 10 points
  • Evocators down 10 points
  • Evocators on Dracolines down 40 points
  • Fulminators down 20 points
  • Gryph Hounds down 20 points
  • Judicators down 20 points
  • Protectors down 10 points
  • Retributors down 10 points
  • Sequitors down 10 points
  • Tempestors down 10 points
  • Vanguard Hunters down 10 points
  • Vanguard Palladors down 10 points
  • Drakesworn Temple down 10 points
  • Lightning Echelon down 10 points
  • Lords of the Storm down 10 points
  • Skyborne Slayers down 10 points
  • Thunderhead Brotherhood down 10 points
  • Vanguard Angelos Conclave down 10 points
  • Vanguard Auxiliary Chamber down 10 points
  • Warrior Brotherhood down 10 points
  • Celestian Vortex down 10 points

Notes About The Drop:

There was a lot of much-needed point decreases for older models but I still think they are 10-30 points overpriced to make them worth bringing over the newer stuff. What I do find funny is these guys are all supposed to be elite troops who are outnumbered. And it’s turning into a scenario where they need point decreases to stay relevant which lets you add even more troops. Really I think in the next battle tome they need to just update the rules a bit rather than just messing with the points.


Out of all the order armies these guys need help the most. For being some of the coolest models with some outstanding terrain they are not being played because they just are not working well. Unfortunately, I think it goes beyond point tweaks and they need a complete book overhaul (see Nighthaunts).

  • Treelord down 20 points
  • Alarielle the Everqueen down 60 points
  • Drycha Hamadreth down 20 points
  • Spirit of Durthu down 40 points
  • Kurnoth Hunters with Greatbows down 10 points
  • Kurnoth Hunters with Greatswords down 10 points
  • Treelord Ancient down 40 points
  • Kurnoth Hunters with Scythes down 10 points

sylvaneth wal hor drychaOverall good drops though a Treelord being 180 points now speaks to the problem with the army. There is no reason something like that should need to be 180 points. Hopefully, they figure it out soon, as the models are amazing, and they are very important in the lore.

There you have it a brief overview of the order GHB 2020 changes, next week we will jump into the destruction side of things. Until then, stay safe!


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