6 Non-Primarch 40k Characters We Need Back in 9th!

be'lakor chaos demon hor wall9th Edition 40k is here and can only mean more codex books will be updated soon- so here are the six non-primarch characters we need back!

With 9th edition 40k, there will be a whole new round of codices, which means an opportunity for more and new characters to join the fray. Below I’ve compiled a shortlist of some characters from the Lore and previous Codices that currently have no representation in the game, but definitely deserve some!

6 Non-Primarch 40k Characters We Need Back in 9th!

Lord Commander Primus Eidolon

primus eidolonThe current model in Horus Heresy

The leader of the remnants of the 3rd Legion. Assuming there will be a Codex: Emperor’s Children at some point, you’d have to have Eidolon as a counterpoint to Typhus and Ahriman in the DG and TS books. I also hope we will see a Codex: World Eaters. But Kharn would be the biggest dog there and he already exists. The Soul Severed though is also still out there, and having him at the head of an army of Noise Marines would just be great to see on the table.


belakorThe First Daemon Prince. Technically he exists in the game currently, but this guy needs to be redone and in a big way. IMO the next Codex: Chaos Daemons needs to make him something like a Lord of War. He looks cool, has an appearance in a fairly recent Black Library story featuring Ahriman that is worth checking out, and in general, just belongs in the game.

Added bonus- Triple Release him for 40k, Age of Sigmar, and The Old World (once that releases). It just makes sense to have the OG be bigger in the game (and may or may not help maintain the Malal mythos).

Captain Alessio Cortez

Missing since Third Edition. This Crimson Fist Captain was the epitome of someone who looked like they’ve been through hell and came out stronger on the other side. Crimson Fists used to have a lot bigger presence in the lore and hobby than they do today. Sure they still have Pedro Kantor, but people used to collect them.

They were on the cover of the codex even (yes, there was a time when it wasn’t Ultramarines). Bringing back this grizzled veteran and having him cross the Rubicon Primaris, and then giving him a model in his classic badass pose would really help sell this army again.

Dark Apostle Erebus

dark apostle erebusThe current model in Horus Heresy

Voted most hated man in the Galaxy for Ten Thousand years consecutively. The First and Foremost among the Dark Apostles, this Word Bearer has had such an impact on the lore. It would be a shame to bring back Daemon Primarchs and not bring back the man who led them all astray.

While I mentioned in a previous post of Kor Phaeron showing up and being a candidate for the Supreme Commander keyword, I think Erebus would be more celebrated and reviled by the fanbase. He also has a greater potential for some cool rules.

Asdrubael Vect

Asdrubael VectHow and why the Archon of the Kabal of the Black Heart is not in the game currently, I don’t know. I get we went a decade or so at one point without an update to this army, and I can’t figure out for the life of me why he didn’t get a new model with any of their relaunches. Time to bring back the man with the most hated stratagem in the game.

Grand Master Vorth Mordrak

While Voldus is neat and all, he is a pretty lame replacement for someone who could literally summon ghosts of his fallen GK brothers and take them into battle against Daemons. Seriously, if that isn’t grimdark, I don’t know what is. It’d be neat to see him and his incorporeal pals be put into the game like Celestine and her two Geminae.

Hopefully, you’ve agreed with at least a few of the picks that made the list. Check back later for even more characters we’d like to see.

Who would you add to the game? Would it make sense to see some of these characters from above added in?

And if you haven’t already, check out Sepulchre of Heroes‘ page for everything hobby related as well.sepulchre of heroes