New Warcry Catacombs & Underworlds Expansion Teasers!

warcry catacombs expansion

Warcry returns with Catacombs and Warhammer Underworlds Direchasm is also on the way as new expansions for each we just revealed!

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW Shadow, Iron & Broken Realms Preview

warhammer online previewWarhammer Preview incoming! This weekend, we’ll be bringing you the Warhammer Preview Online: Shadow, Iron & Broken Realms. The preview will be full of tantalising teases, new models, and cool stuff for a huge variety of games.

gw previewsSix games are going to be included in the preview schedule for this weekend, so chances are there will be something for every Warhammer hobbyist.  Be sure to see how these previews match up to what left to release on the GW Roadmap and the remaining Rumor Engine teasers.

Warcry Catacombs Trailer

This is a great way to start playing Warcry and includes the Core Book as well as a brand-new set of rules for fighting dungeon battles. Alongside these are a host of campaigns for your warbands to embark on, with suitably epic rewards.

Catacombs warbandsAfter we get a good look at the whole scene, you notice you can get the entire arena, plus two full warbands for warcry! We saw the warbands before, but they are still relatively new, and definitely unique.

Khainite Shadowstalkers 1After taking a closer look at the leader of the Assassins, we can get a pretty good grasp of their themes and goals. Very cloak and dagger type appearances.

Scions of the Flame 1And on the other side, the Scions of the Flame. They have homecourt advantage (if there even is such a thing when talking about Chaos), well at least they match the dungeons under Eightpoints pretty seamlessly.

catacombs side 1

This is a great way to start playing Warcry and includes the Core Book as well as a brand-new set of rules for fighting dungeon battles. Alongside these are a host of campaigns for your warbands to embark on, with suitably epic rewards. Of course, all of your existing warbands can take to the Catacombs for a fresh challenge too – and the two new warbands can be used in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

The set comes with an easy to set up the board and some basic terrain to get you right into playing with your models.

catacombs side 2If you flip it over you can also play a more traditional game of warcry in the Varanspire with some extra terrain. This side also nicely pairs more nicely with Khainite Shadowstalkers Warband.

Look for Warcry: Catacombs in the not too distant future…

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Warhammer Underworlds: Direchasm


direchasm lumineth teaseThe teaser was mostly just an announcement and didn’t give much in the way of showing off models. However, there were three figures that had the shining sun behind them, perhaps hinting at which factions will get the first boxes.

direchasm shadowy figuresIn a similar fashion, there were three shadowy figures totaling six factions that will come out with Direchasm. This is also lines up with the previous two seasons having six factions come out!

lumineth confirmed for direchasmWith this box, Lumineth is all but confirmed for Direchasm’s first set of releases! The other faction is going to Slannesh based and facing off against them which may line up nicely with the new Shadow and Pain battlebox set that was also just revealed.

The Direchasm boxed set contains everything you need to play, including two brand-new warbands that represent the darkness and light of the Mortal Realms.

seraphon lizards underworlds

They gave us a sneak peek at this chameleon who is undoubtedly part of a Seraphon Warband!

He’s well camouflaged, but look closely and you’ll see Otapatl, a Chameleon Skink. Yep, the Seraphon are coming to Warhammer Underworlds, ready to claim victory in small-scale tactical clashes. 

As for the other three warbands, well have to wait and see which are coming down the pipe.

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What factions do you want for Warcry and Direchasm? Are you excited about any of these releases?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!