RUMORS: The New Season of Warhammer Underworlds

shadespire warhammer underworldsRumors are swirling around Warhammer Underworlds once again as we move further into 2020, check out what may be the name of the new season!

We first saw a roadmap preview from Warhammer Community on what we could expect for the game throughout 2020. Now that we’ve had that marinate in the community for a bit, we’ve got a new word from an industry insider.

RUMORS: The New Season of Warhammer Underworlds?

whu release roadmap

So this is the roadmap picture that we saw GW drop. July had a solo-play adventure that you can download now.

WHU warbandsAugust, we’ll be bringing you the latest Warhammer Underworlds warbands – as a reminder, that’s Morgok’s Krushas and Morgwaeth’s Blade-coven, followed by a multiplayer expansion in September.

Now that we’re in August, we have two new Warbands to look forward to. For September and onward, there’s a multiplayer expansion, some other downloadable content, as well as a new season beyond Beastgrave (which is the current season we’re in).

whu release roadmap 2September’s multiplayer expansion, while November will give you an entirely new way to play courtesy of a free download right here on the Warhammer Community website. This will be a true game-changer, involving brand-new game mechanics like player health pools – defend yourself as well as your fighters!

whu release roadmap 3So here’s where the rumor comes in…  An Industry insider mentioned the name of something on the way for Warhammer Underworlds. We’re not sure if it’ll be the name of this “expansion” involving player health pools of maybe something to do with the Season 4’s name. But here’s what they had to say:

Before the year is out something is coming to Warhammer Underworlds called Direchasm

As we still have two Warbands to go through (that are named) before we move into the potential Direchasm stuff, we’ll have to keep our eyes peeled in September and beyond this year.

What do you think Direchasm could be? Is the content in store for September sounding a little like Magic The Gathering with models?

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