Squad Marks Unboxing: Magnetizing Made Easy

Squadmarks Magnet FeatureRob hits us today with a Squad-marks unboxing, these new sets allow you to quickly magnetize bases for games of Warhammer 40k, Infinity, and more!

Today Rob’s taking a look at Squad-marks base magnets and squad markings. This is a unique way to quickly magnetize your force and mark your units in one fell swoop. Let’s see what Rob thinks of the new stuff!

Squad Marks Unboxing

squadmarks baseSquad-marks offer a quick way to magnetize your model bases without doing so permanently. Place, and remove models as needed with only one set of magnetized bases! If you love Squadmarks, see what else they have to offer!

clear tray + 3m metalThere are also trays to match the Squad-marks bases. The first of which is a clear tray. To place the models on it you need to attach the included 3M metal circles. To allow the magnets on the base to hold to the tray.

bronw 3 man trayThere are also multiple tray material and layout options if you prefer other styles for the sake of your hobby needs.

squadmarks trayPoxwalker Painting Tutorial

The bases are extremely quick and easy to snap models into, Rob fit a whole squad of 5 into the bases and on the tray in ~10 seconds! The speed and ease is no laughing matter either. The less hassle, the better.

magnet base on squadmark trayBetter yet, if you had model already on magnetized bases, they will work perfectly on the 3M metal and tray combo that Squad Marks offers! That way you won’t even need the bases to take advantage of the products.

squadmarks lineupSquad Marks is a unique idea that is very easy and convenient to use. If you think it’ll work for you, be sure to check out their full lineup!

What do you think of bases and tray sets?

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