Da Craziest Orks? Zagstruk Lore

Zagsturk Feature Zagstruk lore is about one of the craziest and deadliest Orks to grace the universe. Who doesn’t love a flying Ork raging across the field?

Simply put, Boss Zagstruk is insanely violent. There you go, we’re done for the day. Just kidding, but he is somehow more violent than an entire population of violent beings. He doesn’t waste any time getting into the fray, let’s do the same and get into the lore!

Violence For The Sake Of It

Life started harder for Zagstruk than almost any Ork. He was born in the center of a large human settlement and had no choice but to fight his way out. From birth, he was a natural killer. He slaughtered any human of the Imperium he could find on his way back to a small Ork tribe. It’s not clear how he made his way from there, but he has ravaged the 40k Universe ever since.

Other Orks are so scared of him, his stare alone is enough to quell the rage of any fellow Greenskin. While poor Grots have no choice but to run in fear of his approach. It’s rumored he can even stop a rampaging Squiggoth with a look. He’ll take any excuse to fight anytime, anywhere. He doesn’t care what race you are, he’s an equal opportunity smasher. Rumor has it he has never gone a full day without killing something.

His temper is almost as legendary as his fighting skill. Out of nowhere, he will erupt in a torrent of rage unmatched by any being in the entire Universe. Don’t give him any reason to fly into a murderous rage, because if you trigger his temper, well, you have minutes left to live.



Don’t Mess Up Around Him

Most Ork Bosses understand the stupidity of their fellow Orks. Zagstruk however, has a strict zero-tolerance policy on anything resembling failure, incompetence, or stupidity. If you are going to fail in front of Zagstruk, well that might just be the end of the line for you. He has no qualms about “disciplining” rowdy Orks, or those who don’t listen, with a few rounds to the skull. Usually, it only takes a couple of shots before the rest of the boyz fall in line.

The Stormboyz who follow him have learned this long ago. They revere him as a demi-god, almost on the level of Gork or Mork. Needless to say, Stormboyz line up to fight along beside him. When a slew of Stormboyz die in his service, hundreds more come clamoring for the chance to fight alongside him. They don’t even seem to care that he kills a large number of new recruits before they ever see the battlefield.

Legs Ripped Off By A Dread, A Blessing?

His metal bionic legs could be his most defining piece of wargear, but he didn’t craft them on willingly. In an attempt to take down a Space Marine Dreadnaught the ancient machine managed to rip both his legs off. Don’t think that stopped Zagstruk from winning the fight though. No, he used his arms to clamber up the giant machine, tear open the top, and tore its core systems apart! You really just can’t beat this guy in a fight.

After the battle, he had a pair of new legs crafted from two modified Power Klaws taken from the remains of the Dreadnaught he demolished. The new legs have become one of his favorite ways of killing the enemy. He dives from on high and uses the legs to rip apart the enemy. Kind of like a flying vulture of doom.

That does it for a quick history of the meanest Ork around! Don’t look at him wrong or your days will be numbered.

Zagstruk Lore