Dark Place Miniatures Bring Chaos To Life

Dark Place Miniatures - PyrexiaIf you’ve been looking for some incredible greater demon alternatives or just cool Chaos minis, look no further than Dark Place Miniatures.

They have a whole line of really cool Chaos themed minis, anything dark-themed, they have it in spades. They offer really high-quality models with very unique sculpts and want to inspire you in whatever game system you play.

Whether you want to use them in 40k, AOS, or any other system, you can! They are correctly scaled for most games and look great on both the tabletop and on the shelf. Let’s jump into what they offer.

Dark Place Miniatures – Pyrexia: €90.00



Pyrexia PartsBurn your enemies to the ground! Pyrexia is hellfire and rage personified. He’s been around for eons and has wreaked havoc on the mortal realms for millennia. If you love all things demon, go check what else is going on. Peep the specs on this one:

  • Size: 140 mm total
    The kit contains 9 parts including a 100mm base

Phthisis: €120.00

Greater Entities parts


Greater Entities partsThe most aloof of the demons, he controls time and space with ease. If you’ve been looking to add some flavor to your Tzeentch army this is a great model to look at. Just look at how big this is:

  • Size: 210 mm total
    The kit contains 10 parts including a 100mm base

Voratrix: €120.00



Voratrix PartsThe perfect alternative for any Slaanesh daemon. Her tentacles are made for destruction and, well, other things as well. Check out how big this monstrosity is:

  • Size: 160 mm total
    The kit contains 11 parts including a 100mm base

Yersin: €110.00



Yersin PartsYersin is extremely blessed and wants nothing more than to bless all of his friends. The lord of Pustulent Flesh is here and makes a perfect stand-in for any Nurgle army. Here are his specs:

  • Size: 150 mm total
    The kit contains 18 parts including a 100mm base

That does it for their new minis! They have more on their site, so if you need a Chaos alternative, we’d take a look.

Dark Place Miniatures