Sharpen Your Blades Bro: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horA new rumor engine is here and this dude really needs to learn how to sharpen those blades. Check out the latest bit to be revealed by GW.

Warhammer Community posted a new rumor engine showing a clenched fist and some wrist blades. The concept is really cool but if you look closely, he couldn’t cut a stick of butter with those blades.

Sharpen Your Blades Bro: New GW Rumor Engine

rumor engine 9-1-20So here’s the bit. See what we mean? There’s obviously a fist and some kind of thick metal rigging around the forearm to support these blades. But speaking of blades, those puppies are THICC. It’s got a cool concept and you can tell that some sharpening was started but didn’t even come close to getting finished.

As for what this unit could be, our guess is that it’s either something for Orks (possibly) or maybe some weaponized industrial gear for Necromunda.

House of iron foot sloggerThis could be some kind of new Orlock Bounty Hunter on the way. After all, we did just see some sick stuff previewed for the gang in House of Iron. See how it could fit the theme?

This is definitely an interesting bit that we’ll have to keep our eyes peeled for.

What do you think this mystery bit could go to? Would you like to see this go to the Orks or would you rather see the Orlocks get a fresh Bounty Hunter?

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