40k Silver Templars Rules Revealed WD 456: Review

40k Silver Templars Rules Revealed WD 456: ReviewNew rules for Warhammer 40k are here as the Silver Templars get their Index Astartes 9th Edition Rules, plus tons of hobby content, and more!

This week Rob breaks down the newest edition of White Dwarf and highlights some of the rules, terrain, and battle reports. If you have $9 dollars just burning a hole in your pocket, this issue is worth picking up because all the core rules for a brand new Chapter, the Silver Templars!

The issue also has a ton of Warcry data cards for a new Cities of Sigmar warband, some Indomitus break downs, and a really cool Sisters of Battle story. The battle report has some fun Easter eggs about how all the new Necron and Space Marine rules will play out too.

Let’s Go!

40k Silver Templars Rules Revealed WD 456: Review

White Dwarf IndexThe first half is all about 40k! They are showing how a bunch of the new rules will work in a battle, highlighting an entirely new chapter, and dropping some other teasers on us!

White Dwarf Index rightThe issue then gets into Age of Sigmar, Warcry stuff, and some really cool fluff pieces.

Indomitus Talk:

Necron Indomitus 2


Necron Indomitus


Indomitus Space MarinesA lot of this stuff was included in the Indomitus box but it’s really nice to hear some more of their thoughts on it. They go over why they did the Necrons as the kick off  for 9th and gave some more insight behind the Marines.

Paint Guide Necrons White DwarfThey also walk us through the Szarekh paint scheme. Once it’s all laid out doesn’t look too hard at all

Battle Report:

Battle Report Overview


Battle ReportThe battle report is very well done and gives us some great insight into how all the new rules will work. Mainly auras and reanimation protocols. The new protocols work way better because they are done after every attack now.

Teasers & Terrain:

TeasersThis section could have all kinds of cool teasers in it. Very reminiscent of the old Echos of the Warp. It is a story, but there could be all kinds of Easter Eggs in there.

Terrain Table


Terrain table white dwarf


TableIt’s hard to tell just how massive this table is! When you look at it compared to the size of a room you start to get the scale. They even break down some of the steps on how they made such a massive thing.

Silver Templars Rules:

Space Marine Rules


New Rules


New Rules 2They give us a whole new chapter’s core rules! Like relics, chapter tactics, Warlord traits, Stategems, and all kinds of background. They look like they’ll be more combat-focused with how all the rules. Here are some highlights: Chapter Tactics– Any time they attack they get to reroll one roll of a 1 to hit and auto wounding on 6’s. Warlord traits- 1) reroll one wound roll of a 1. 2) Can always strike first when charged, is charging, etc… 3) Inflict mortal wounds on a roll of an unmodified 6 to wound. Relic– Armour that Negates -1 ap or -2 and gives the bearer an FNP of 6+ for morals.

Silver Templars Painting Guide


Silver Templars Painting Guide rightThey also give you all the painting guides you need to paint up your own Silver Templars! Stuff like this only used to be available in the Conquest mags, so good to see the change.

Warcry Rules:

Warcry Rules


Warcry Rules2They give you all the rules to play with some of the older minis in Warcry. Things like rules, missions, and fluff for Empire, Dark Elves, and a few more.

Crime Stories:

Crime Stories 2


Crime StoriesPretty cool to get some more background on the universe. Just some fun little stories to read when you have an extra minute, and don’t worry, they made the font big and spread it out, much like an old high school book report!

Looking Forward to Next Month:

Next Month White DwarfNot sure who exactly Glogg is, but it makes sense that he will be one of the new giants. They are supposed to come out next month, so we’ll just have to wait and see!

That does it for this unboxing. This issue is definitely worth the few bucks!

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What do you think about the terrain configuration for this board? How have you been setting up your tables?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!