Most Faithful of the Marines: Space Marine Chaplain Lore

40k-LORE-space-marines-chaplain-wal-title-horSpace Marine Chaplain lore is about the most pious and faithful of all the Marines, who whip their brothers into a ferocious battle frenzy!

With the Warhammer Day 2020 mini being announced we wanted to learn a little more about these fanatical Marines. They serve to instill an undying love of their Chapter and the Emperor into all of their fellow Marines. Get out your favorite Rosarius and let’s learn about some lore!

Providing Spiritual Guidance

Chaplains are warrior-priests incarnate. They are some of the most skilled warriors the Chapter has to offer but also administer to the spiritual well being of their Brothers. They lead prayers to the Emperor and insure that every Marine knows the history and value of their Chapter. They love nothing more than the Emperor, the Imperium, and the strength of the Marines themselves.

They also help with the psychological health of every Marine. Every Marine knows they can come to the Chaplains with any thoughts ailing them. While the advice may not be nice, it will always be reassuring them that the Imperium is the best thing since sliced bread. Hey, you don’t join the Marines for an easy life.

They use their fervent love of the Emperor to force their battle-brothers into ever greater acts of bravery and glory. They are the first to rejoice in their battle-brothers deeds and the first to lament their failures. At least they’re consistent.

Terminator chaplain (2)

Battlefield Role

When the battle eventually comes, like it always does in the grimdark future, they are always on the front lines. They rouse other Space Marines with both their words and actions. They constantly yell prayers and encouragement as they charge into the front lines. Their black power armor and skull helms stand out amongst most chapters (obviously not all of them) and are a beacon for a headlong charge.

Once they get into the thick of things, they drive their fellow Marines into a battle frenzy somehow above their normal super-human strength. While they themselves chop the enemy down in a fury driven by a love for the Emperor.

That does it for these crazy Marines! If you want to add some fanatical power to your army, you have to check them out!

white scars chaplain

Learn more about Space Marine Chaplain Lore & Marines Here!