Necron Lokhust Destroyer & Canoptek Doomstalker: Unboxing

NEcron Feature videoThe Necron Lokhust Heavy Destroyer and Canoptek Doomstalker are here, check out our unboxing and build of the new models!

This week we are unboxing the new Necrons that just came out and see what it takes to get them ready for the tabletop. Rob goes over the Necron Lokhust Heavy Destroyer, Canoptek Doomstalker, and compares them to other Necron models, and tells you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building them!

We are going to show you everything including the sprues, bits, and of course comparisons.  That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!

Necron Lokhust Destroyer & Canoptek Doomstalker: Unboxing & Build

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Heavy Destroyer BoxBoth of these are easier to build than traditional kits as they are all push-fit and have far less clipping! They run $35 for the Heavy Destroyer and $40 for the Canoptek Doomstalker.

Heavy Destroyer Instructions and Sprues

Necron InstructionsThe instructions are pretty well laid out and they have all the different options for each of the guns. Push-fit makes it easy to try out different weapons without having to magnetize. Just be careful on gluing the sides of the guns together because it is very hard to slide them on prebuilt.

Destroyer Sprue


Necron Instructions 2There’s not much to it, but all the parts look pretty good. Also with how they are doing the new kits, you will have way less scraping and clipping than before. The guns definitely have a ton going on and each bit is packed with detail. If you want to see one of the hardest kits ever to build, check out Rob’s unboxing of Szarekh.

Completed Necron Heavy Destroyer

Completed Necron Destroyer


Completed Necron Destroyer 2This thing only took about 5 minutes to clip out and build, not too bad! The spine part lines up kind of strange, just make sure you follow the instructions closely and not just glaze over them. Also, you don’t want to put the head on until you have everything really lined up.

Weapon push fitThe weapons also pop off kind of easily, so if you want to try out all the weapons it’s not terrible. Just watch the nub on the gun arm, because you have to smush fit the weapons together and not slide it on. Be sure to not glue the weapon sides together if you want to try them out. Even though this is push-fit, gluing down certain parts would make this way easier to switch parts out. Like the front of the head, the tubes, and arms.

Canoptek Doomstalker Instructions and Sprues

Canoptek InstructionsAgain, the instructions are very well laid out, and not too many gotchas right off the bat. With the new way they are making the instructions, it makes it far easier to follow. Rob is almost dubious it could be this easy! We’ll see.

Doomstalker Sprue 2


Doomstalker SprueNot too many bits but the two sprues are very good-looking and extremely detailed. And like with the Destroyer sprue, there are almost no lines to scrap, just makes building it that much faster.

Completed Doomstalker

Completed doomstalker


Completed doomstalker 2


Completed doomstalker 3The mini is really cool overall and went together very quickly! The only real problem with it is that it doesn’t slot into the base very well, but it does fit and it’s not a huge problem.

When bases have premade terrain on it like this one, but not the full base. Rob likes to use Liquitex Sand and just build it up into layers that will match with the terrain that’s already there. That way you don’t just have two random rocks hanging out on the base.

Size Comparisons

Spider size Comparison


Canoptek Size ComparisonThis thing is way bigger than the one that came out in the Indomitus box! We thought it was going to be like that but now we know for sure! Compared to the Skorpekh Lord, he just towers over him, but that was something we expected so no big shocker there.

That does it for this one! Overall two really cool minis that were easy to build. With all the new push-fit stuff, it makes building far easier, but not everyone is in love with the idea. But definitely makes it easier for newer players to get into the game.

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What do you think about all the new push-fit stuff? Have you already built and painted your new stuff?

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This post contains affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.