New Ogres From Victoria Miniatures: Unboxing

Ogre FeatureIf you’ve been looking for some awesome alternative Ogryn minis, you have to check out these new Ogres from Victoria Miniatures!

Today Rob takes a look at the new Ogres from Victoria Miniatures and everything the kits come with. If you’ve been looking for some awesome abhumans to field you have to check these hand-crafted minis out!

We are going to show you everything that the sets comes with, how long they take to build, and some size comparisons.  That way you can decide if these kits are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. Let’s go!

New Ogres From Victoria Miniatures: Unboxing & Build

The Site & Resources

Victoria Miniature WebsiteThe site is very well set-up and easy to navigate. She has a ton of female minis and really cool alternatives on there so it’s worth checking out.

Shipping detail


Free mini of the monthFor shipping, you get free shipping on all orders over a hundred dollars! With that, you also get the free mini of the month which there is a ton to pick from! Can’t complain about free stuff.

Abhuman pageShe has tons of Abhumans on the site as well, other than just the Ogres! She has Beastmen Guard, Dwarfs, and all kinds of other cool stuff. Definitely worth checking out to change up the look of your Guard army!

Victoria Miniature OgresThese are a little more expensive than the GW ones, but they are hand-crafted resin boutique minis. They really all have an amazing look and feel to set your army apart. This is a hobby, so if you want to spend more to get even cooler minis, it’s your money! You have to compare these more to other resin hand-crafted minis as well for the price. They are right in line with something from Forge World and other boutique manufacturers.

Opening The Packs

Ogre Packaging They come with all kinds of bubble wrap and packing inside their shipping box, but the sprues themselves come in these bags.

Grog Ard’Nogg

Ogre Sprue


Ogre Sprue 2We’re starting off with Grog Ard’Nogg. You can see it is totally matt resin with much less clipping than most resin and looks prewashed. All the detail is super crisp and extremely well done.

Grogg Ard'nogWhen he’s put together he looks really cool! All the detail is super clean and just makes for a super fun alternative mini. He was also extremely easy to build and the resin is insanely high quality.

Size ComparisonHe’s about the same height as a normal Ogryn but just far CHONKier! They went with a more recessive style and he is way beefier because of it.

Mud Crunchers

Ogre Bits


Ogre Arms


Ogre Sprue 3Each one is very detailed and again, the resin is super high-quality and great looking. you can tell she really put the time and effort into each one of these minis to make them look amazing! You can make a ton of different poses with these as well and even run some different conversions!

That does it for this unboxing! They are just really fun alternative minis to give your Guard army a totally different feel!

Get Your Ogres Here!

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