Aelven Sword: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor Engine new GW header wal horWe’ve got a solid GW rumor engine today that is looks like an AoS sword, get your swinging arm ready. Check this out.

Warhammer Community just unveiled another rumor engine and this time it’s a hefty looking sword. Check out the details of this new bit that looks to be on the way for 40k or AoS.

Aelven Sword: New GW Rumor Engine

Rumor engine (1)This one could honestly be all sorts of things. While it’s quite obviously a sword (we know, going out on a limb there…) the hand looks to be human or elvish. Of the Chaos factions, Slaanesh seems the most likely for this style. But with their minis already getting a reveal, that seems far off. The weapon looks to be in good shape as well, so we can rule out a decent amount of other armies right there.

While this could be something for 40k, but the style of the weapon looks more like something for AoS. And with all the new supplement books coming to AoS it makes sense this will line up with one of the next books coming.

We’re thinking it could be possible for a new faction coming called the Shadow Aelves. Because, unless they are coming out with more minis for the Cities of Sigmar, it is mainly Aelves in AoS who wield the straight swords. While the mini below doesn’t have an exact match, it is a similar style. So it could be a reboot of some more Lumineth Realm Lords.

AelveGiven the look of how well it’s crafted, we think it could very well be an Aelven sword. The mini above has a very similar sword minus the addition of the guard. This one is a little hard because it is pretty generic and basic. But here’s another example of a straight sword-wielding Aelve.

SigvaldWhile this is already revealed, and his sword is much more majestic, it is almost the exact same style. So with all that, we think this is going to be for a new Aelves mini. Whether good or evil, we’ll just have to wait and see on that!

Of course, it could be something else too at the end of the day…

What do you think this is? Do you think it could be for a new faction or just a reboot of an Aelven mini?

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