Free Miniatures & Paint From Games Workshop

free-from-gwGames Workshop announced a new program to help get free miniatures into the hands of hobbyists and even some paint to boot!

Warhammer Community announced two new promotions for Warhammer Stores. It seems like it’s mainly to get more foot traffic in the stores, but it’s not all corporate jumbo. Turns out it is actually a great benefit if you’re lucky enough to live in a reasonable distance of an official store!

Free Miniatures & Paint From Games Workshop

Free! Every month, you’ll be able to pick up a new model at no cost, themed around one of the month’s releases. 

With the epic new Broken Realms narrative arc for Warhammer Age of Sigmar kicking off this month, November’s models are Witch Aelves! Morathi would be proud. 

Getting the model is pretty straight forward. All you have to do is stop by your local Warhammer store and ask to get one! There is limited stock, but if you go earlier in the month it should be an easy pickup, and best of all on that is completely free! Assuming you live close enough to a store, this should a great pickup to get some bonus hobby.

Matching Collectable Coins

morathi collectable coinAlong with a new model each month there will be a collectible coin to match! With this month’s major release being Broken Realms: Morathi, both Warhammer Store Exclusive releases are also matching that theme of Morathi and the Daughters of Khaine.

You cant buy the coins directly however if you spend $100 you’ll get them as an added bonus.

coin colleciton book

Once you have collected six of the collectible coins, you will be eligible to get a coin booklet you display your growing collection!

Pick And Choose Paint Bundle – Get A Free Pot!

pick n choose paint bundleAs you can see in the image above, if you pick up 10 paint pots, the 10th will be free!

Choose any ten pots from the Citadel Colour range, and you’ll get the most expensive one free! Whether you’re looking for loads of Contrast to get your new models Battle Ready, want some Layer and Shade paints to take them to the next level, or are after Technical paints for those finishing touches, you’ll be able to select exactly the colours you need.

While this ultimately won’t save an insane amount of money, if you do this on the same trip as the free model and collectible coin, the entire trip could be seen as a pretty good value one.

The Current Situation

GW also stated that if your local Warhammer Store is still on lockdown, you will be able to pick up the current month’s supplies as soon as it opens, whether that’s the free model of this month’s coin. No matter the situation each store will get the chance to give out the collectible and the free model for each month.

allocated itemsOn a side note, all of this comes after the announcement of very serve new release allocations to GW Partner Stores on the very same weekend they rolled out this promotion. There is no proof these two events are related, but it’s interesting to think about as a backdrop.

What do you think about the bonuses for Warhammer stores? Will you be picking any of these collectibles or free models up?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can also support us on Patreon and get ad-free access to the site, plus a ton of minis that helps support some of the best creators out there!