New Morathi Rules & Idoneth Deepkin Buffs Spotted!

age-of-sigmar-broken-realms morathiThe new Morathi rules show how to use both her forms at once, a new stat line, and buffs for the Idoneth Deepkin as well! Come see!

Well, they said they would be giving us her rules as a teaser, and today Warhammer Community delivered. The warscrolls aren’t vastly different, but the main change is that you can field both of the Morathi minis at the same time now.

They also threw in a decent amount of Idoneth Deepkin rules as well. Let’s check out what we know is coming and the rules!

New Morathi Rules & Idoneth Deepkin Buffs Spotted!

AoS Broken Realms MorathiBroken Realms: Morathi is the first of many new additions to AoS. They seem to be serving a similar role as Psychic Awakening did for 40k, and the possibility of a new edition for Age of Sigmar, (check out the post here) in 2021 seems pretty likely at this point. 

But for right now, we know we’ll be getting new rules, tons of background, new missions, and even some new minis from Broken Realms: Morathi! With 5 factions getting rules, this book is massive, coming in at over 120 pages. Since the book is called Morathi, it only makes sense she’s getting some awesome new rules!

New Rules for the Leading Lady

One Soul Two BodiesWhile you basically now have 12 wounds for both models, you get double (sort of) the amount of damage! With two massive threats on the table from the beginning, you can make your opponent decide which to go after. One of the main benefits here is being able to buff your army from two different sides of the battlefield.

Fury of the Shadow QueenAn 18″ buff is nothing to sneeze at! If you get the Shadow Queen stuck in, the rest of your army gets a lot stronger.

Worship Through BloodshedGetting to attack twice is a seriously nice ability, and 24″ is really easy to achieve and can even affect units your opponent is not thinking about.

The Shadow QueenDue to the split, the Shadow Queen is now more of a dedicated damage dealer, with an enhanced gaze attack that acts more like a traditional weapon, but with more than double the range of before. Her damage table has also been overhauled – Heartrender and Envenomed Tail are also much more reliable now, losing the variable rolls.

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Idoneth Deepkin Allopex Rules

Idoneth Deepkin 2


Blood thirsty PredatorIf you can get some wounds down from shooting or combat previously that turn, the Allopexes become even better at close combat.

EntangledThis is a brand new ability to make their Retarius Net Launcher even more effective. Not that it’s crazy but still helpful.

Leviadon Rules

Void DrumThe Leviadons are getting an overhaul to make them more reliable and simpler to use. Now you can make an infantry heavy force backed Leviadons more useful and powerful.

Harpoon LaunchersThey increased the number of attacks to 8! Pretty nice and, on top of that, the Allopex riders are going up to 4 attacks each.

LevadionThey are also grabbing some new mount traits. The one they showed will make their 2+ saves even harder to negate.

Deepmare Trait

Deepmare MountsNothing wrong with getting more attacks! Overall some pretty good buffs to the Deepkin.

Will you be starting either of these armies? What do you think about the new rules?

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