A Ton of New X-Wing Releases Available now!

nimbus-class-v-wing FeatureIf you’ve been patiently waiting to grab all the new X-Wing releases, today is the day! Check out everything you can get!

We previewed a bunch of these when they first went on preorder from Fantasy Flight Games, but now you can purchase them all willy-nilly! Who doesn’t love getting more minis to throw in the collection? And can you really ever have too many, well probably… But who cares? Let’s jump into the new releases!

New X-Wing Releases ETA-2:

ETA-2 ExpansionIt’s always fun to go more for maneuverability than just straight firepower. While this can still get plenty done with its guns, you have to use its speed to get the job done effectively. It can be maneuvered by using the force for extra performance and some fun little tricks. A normal pilot can hit a few extra boosts, but you really unlock the potential when you put a Jedi as a pilot.

Nimbus Class V-Wing:

Nimbus Class v-wingThis is perfectly suited for every critical mission the Republic has to undertake! With its super-fast speed and decent weaponry, this is an extremely versatile craft that will be useful in almost any scenario. Even Supreme Chancellor Palpatine uses this as his personal craft. Also, the paint job is awesome and it looks great on the tabletop!

Droid Tri-Fighter:

Droid Tri-fighterThese ships are remarkably versatile because of the different ways they can be programmed and the protocols they can employ. If you go up against these ships, be ready for something different every time! If you love Star Wars: X-Wing, check out what else is going on in the Galaxy.

Jango Fett’s Slave-I

Jenga FettThe Bounty Hunter who started it all flies into the new expansion. Finally, you get to play as the great bounty hunter and see just how maneuverable his ship is!

That does it for this one! Be sure to pick up all your favorites and get them on the battlefield asap!

Get Your Star Wars: X-Wing Ships Here!

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