Agent Kallus Coming to Star Wars: Legion

Agent Kallas Star LegionAgent Kallus is one of the most feared men in the Galaxy! Soon you’ll be able to add this enforcer and keep the Empire under control!

If you’ve been waiting to get into the game, now is the time! Come on, you love Star Wars, might as well play it on the tabletop. If you’ve already been playing, well, you have been getting tons of options to expand your forces. Star Wars: Legion is just a really fun game and with all the additions, each game will have even more flavor.

Kallus is coming to the tabletop soon to enforce the will of the Empire. Loyalty is everything in the Empire, but sometimes you have to force people into loyalty. That’s where Kallus comes in, and the rest of the Imperial Security Bureau. Whether it’s open rebellion or dissent in the ranks, Kallus will squash such insolence!

Let’s take a closer look at the announcement from FFG:

Agent Kallus: $14.95

Agent KallusWith this expansion, you can put this ruthless Imperial agent in control of all your forces. If nothing else, you know everyone under his command is going to be the most loyal soldiers out there. If you love Star Wars, check what else is going on with it!

Agent Kallus2The kit comes with a decent amount of options. You can build it with multiple weapon options and head options. However you want to portray this amazing mini, you can! Any way you decide to model him, this guy is going to do some serious damage.

The Cards:

Agent Kallus cardsThe expansion comes with a ton of cards to play with. You get command cards, upgrade cards, and even a flaw card. These allow you to change how he plays and give you more battlefield variety.

That does it for this one! Overall a great new expansion for a really fun character!

Get Agent Kallus Here!

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