Blood For The Blood God: 40k Army List Of The Week

Army-list-of-the-week-custodesAn awesome Chaos Daemons 40k army list emerged in a tournament recently that we just love- take a look at what it tried to accomplish!

9th Edition’s meta is still settling, but some players are taking the opportunity to innovate and create unique lists. Check out this awesome homebrew list that emerged in a tournament over the weekend. They didn’t do too bad and this just goes to show that it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play. It helps to have some cool interactions and ideas too.

Blood For The Blood God: 40k Army List Of The Week

best coast pairings

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Winter Barnyard Brawl 2020 GT: Chaos Daemons- Tim Travers

Khorne bloodcrusher


barnyard daemon 1Unlike many of the Daemon soup lists that people play this player decided to go with Khorne instead of Slaanesh. In this meta, we haven’t seen Khorne that much, and this general got 1st place at his GT!

The list starts off with a solid double Khorn Daemon Prince with wings in the HQ slot, these give nice rerolls and pack a serious punch for their points, all while having Fly and moving 12″.

barnyard daemon 2Bloodletter bombs used to be the hotness, but they somewhat faded away. While that might not be what he was doing here and instead just need the troops for the detachment, 40 bloodletters can actually do some decent damage. A nice bonus, if miraculously the 20 blob gets into combat without losing a model, they essentially hit on 2s (while rerolling 1s thanks to the DP)!

The Bloodcrushers provide some mobility and a good amount of attacks. They give you 10 attacks at S5 with -3 Ap and 1 Damage plus 9 attacks at S7 -1 AP 1 Damage on the charge, that’s nothing to scoff at. With 4 wounds a pop they aren’t paperweights either.

barnyard daemon 3The second detachment is Undivided, solely for the purpose of taking a single Nurgling squad to hold an objective. There also happens to be two Bloodthirsters. Both of which are exalted giving them a variety of choices for a bonus, all of which are great. They move very fast and can outright delete characters on their own if your opponent isn’t careful.

barnyard daemon 4Finally, the coolest thing about this list, this player took the named Greater Daemon, An’ggrath the Unbound! This guy is huge, hence the 550 pts cost, but he’s worth it. For some reason he gets to deny two psychic power and has +3 to the deny roll, making him pretty useful at covering that weakness of Khorne armies.

He also gives mortal wounds on the charge, gives friendly units his leadership, and explodes on death. Now for where he truly shines, his combat stats… at top bracket he is base S12, meaning he’ll wound most things on 2s and other big boys on 3s.

His Axe of Khorne makes him S15! Anything below T7 is wounded on 2s, that’s a majority of model’s in the game. The attacks also have -4 AP, meaning if they have an Invuln they’ll have to take it. Each hit does D6 damage which brings the max output to 60 damage, although the average assuming they all get through will be more like 30.

BLOODTHIRSTER - GREATER DAEMON OF KHORNEBest of all he himself has 24 wounds at T8 with a 2+ armor save and a 4+ invulnerable save, meaning if they don’t use their anti-armor on him, he probably won’t take much damage before crashing into their lines and deleting units, armor, and lord of wars alike.

Plus now with 9th Edition, you can even reserve him if you need to!

What do you think about this homebrew 40k army list from last weekend that caught our eye?

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