BREAKING: New 40k Ork Miniature Spotted in the Wild!

Ork Feature wal horA brand new 40k Ork mini has been spotted in the wild, and harkens back to the old days and a seriously old rumor engine. Check it out!

An Ork model was revealed in a preview by GW a couple of months ago, but now another mini has been spotted!

Coming from @MakioftheWarp on Twitter, we saw a brand new Ork sprue! They had ordered the Brewmaster General but got this instead.

So! opened my brewmaster general, it wasnt him in it. it was some ork model! Have contacted gw about it but i am both confused and annoyed!

Pretty interesting to see another Greenskin mini in the wild. It looks to be modeled off the 1998 Gorkamorka Gamesday mini, oh yeah, taking it to the old school!

New Ork Mini Spotted in the Wild!

New Ork Mini 2


New Ork MiniThat new Ork looks pretty awesome on the sprue! While they really wanted to get the Brewmaster, this isn’t too bad of a replacement! Since this is already in print on the machines, that must mean they have this ready to go!

Shortly after @RedWunzGoFasta posted what looks to be the actual product.

Gorgaz Gitstompa and nikkitMultiple GW Store Managers have confirmed to Spikey Bits that this is the boxing day mini that will available around Christmas day, and while some of the design is a bit classic (see below), the grot shares the same name as the one in the Warhammer Community comic Spannerz (while the Mek’s name is Deffbad).

spannerz comicLet’s look at a rumor they posted last Christmas about this mini! If they are willing to put out rumors a year in advance, who knows how long we have to wait for some of the previews we’ve already seen, lol.

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Rumor Mill from 2019

rumor engine 12-24-2019Those boots look awfully identical to the boots from this old rumor engine! If you want to see the whole post about it, check it out here. While we’ve seen this before, let’s look at the original inspiration.

1998 Gorkamorka Gamesday Mini

Gamesday 1998 MiniIf the member berries haven’t kicked in yet, the new mini looks awfully similar to the 1998 Games Day Exclusive! While it’s been updated to plastic now in 2020, you can easily see the influence of this Ork from before the turn of this century. If you’ve been playing since then, hopefully, you have this amazing model laying around somewhere!

The one pictured above is actually one up for sale on eBay right now, so if you want to try your hand at painting a classic, you may be able to buy it now!

Da Uvver BookAs you can quite clearly see, both of the minis took their inspiration from “da uvver book” that came in the Gorka Morka box set. The art is so amazing and we love to GW take inspiration from the classics.

What it Could Mean for Orks

Indomitus day ork 1Last year we saw the Red Gobbo as the Christmas mini, and in 2020 we’ve already Jakkob Bugmansson XI as the Christmas mini, and this other Ork pictured above previewed as a new mini for a new edition.

Does this mean anything more than now two new Ork Minis? Maybe an Ork codex coming in early 2021?  At the end of the day, neither of these models necessarily mean anything for new Greenskins, but rumors are what makes the hobby fun.

Do you like the new look of a classic mini?

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