British Riflemen Hit Pre-order from Wargames Atlantic!

British Riflemen feature rWargames Atlantic has so many incredible historical kits available, this time around they are expanding the line with British Riflemen!

Wargames Atlantic is always coming out with incredible new models! And their kits are always affordable and full of detail. These new soldiers are no exception, you’ll get 32 soldiers for only $35. Pretty hard to beat minis at basically a dollar apiece.

Help the Brits take down Napoleon and show off their amazing accuracy. Just like with all of their other kits, even if you don’t use these for the original purpose, they make perfect bits for conversions. At the price, you can’t go wrong either way. It’s always good to find cheaper alternative minis, and we love to help support these great companies! Let’s jump into the preorder.

British Riflemen: $34.95

British Riflemen


British Riflemen 2Whether you are using these for a historical game or using them for conversion, they are pretty great. Also, if you bundle a few of these together, you get to save even more cash! If you love what Wargames Atlantic is up to, check out what else they have going on!

British Riflemen featureLet’s hear what they have to say about the kit:

The famous Riflemen of the British army fought from Spain to the final shots of La Haye Sainte on the field of Waterloo. Fighting in pairs and able to accurately aim and fire up to two shots per minute. Wellington’s Rifles were an instrumental factor in Napoleon’s defeat.

This hard plastic box set allows you to build up to 32 Riflemen equipped with their famous Baker rifles and even an option to do a volley gun! You will be able to model the figures advancing, firing, loading, and with a variety of heads including bare and bandana-wearing for more variety.

Sprue Set up:

British Riflemen 3They are constantly upgrading their sprues to give us even more stuff for our hobby dollars.

That does it for this one! If you’ve been looking for some great alternative or historic minis, you have to check out this preorder!

Get your British Riflemen Minis Here!