GW Free Death Guard Miniatures & Coin Announced!

free-from-gwGW just announced Death Guard as the latest installment of free miniatures and coin promo to get current hobbyists into their stores.

Today Warhammer Community showed off the newest free mini and collectible coin! Not to toot our own horn but… We did call the teased minis from a long-ago preview were going to be the free minis of the month!

This time, the teased Death Guard mini is arriving in a few days! If this pattern holds true, that means we now know all the next books coming! So if you play Ad-Mech, Sisters, or Orks, you could be getting a book before too long! Let’s first look at the new mini and then see what could be coming next!

New Death Guard Mini of the Month Revealed!

Death Guard Mini of the MonthA pretty sweet mini for free! Let’s hear more about the promotion:

Head into your local store from Saturday the 5th of December and ask the staff how you can claim your very own Plague Marine (while stocks last). Some stores are running painting events based around the Miniature of the Month, so ask your local store what they’re up to. You can also get this month’s collectible coin featuring the Death Guard’s infernal sigil when you spend over £60, €80 or $100 USD (or local equivalent). 

death guard space marines free

From the looks of it, this guy is one of the seven models that come in the Plague Marines box, so perhaps depending on the store, you may be able to score any of these models if they don’t have them already separated out.

New Collectible Death Guard Coin

NEw Collectable coinIf you spend over $100 you get this coin to add to your collection. If you’re a hardcore Death Guard player, this will be a really fun little addition to your collection. With this free mini promotion revealed, let’s look at what the future ones may hold as we know Dark Eldar, and Dark Angels are both on the way soon.

The One we Know for Sure – Dark Eldar



new lelith 2


Indomitus day Lelith 1


lelith hesperax 2We now know Dark Eldar is the next Xenos army on the way! While there is a ton of speculation that the teased mini will be Leltih, the more free minis that get revealed the more we are leaning towards it being their free mini of a normal Wych. So, if you play Wych Cult, maybe that means they are getting a huge buff! But a new Lelith mini would never be bad!

Time to Speculate: Orks

Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka orks wal hor



ork model preview 1


ork model preview 2For Orks, it looks like there’s some kind of Bowser-looking dude that is coming eventually. He fits in perfectly with how all the free minis have been, a trooper that looks slightly cooler than the average dude. If GW keeps following this pattern, get ready for a new Ork book early to mid next year.

Sisters of Battle

sister of battle new modelThere’s also this new Sisters model with Plasma Pistol and Ecclesiarchy Rosary on the way at some point. We actually got teaser rules for her, so this may mean a new book coming soon!

Adeptus Mechanicus

admech new model


admech new model 2Finally, there’s this Ad Mech duder that looks to be another trooper type mini of some kind. He’s got some kind of command rod in his left hand as well as something strapped to his back. Again, this follows perfectly with the other promotions we’ve seen. So let’s hope Ad-Mech is coming soon!

What do you think of the new DG mini? Do you think we’ll see these factions sprinkled in with the constant Space Marine Supplements? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can also support us on Patreon and get ad-free access to the site, plus a ton of minis that helps support some of the best creators out there!